I read a lot more than I thought I did this month: eleven books. Of those eleven books three were library books, two were galleys, three qualified for 2013 challenges and one was nonfiction. I guess I read so much this month as I was avoiding life so if I wasn’t out walking (84 miles in July so far), I was reading. It’s amazing what you can do when you don’t want to do something else.
July was a busy month, but thankfully rather than a roller coaster ride it was more just one of those rides where you go straight up and then all of a sudden you drop; so only a couple of hiccups, but many self-created (I spend WAY too much time in my mind). On the plus side I completely cleaned my room and organized my desk and a pile of papers which had not been organized since September 2012 (if you’ve read my blog this long you know what happened then) and it was what I needed. It made me feel better and happier than I have in a long time. So now to close out 2013 with a bang or a kiss! 😉