It has been seven days since my last post.
Since that last post I have attended a warehouse sale at Harvard Bookstore (mentioned in my last update) where I picked up six books, and picked up four additional books at the biggest Goodwill I’ve seen on our way home from Maine this past weekend!
In addition to this, I’ve read three additional books and started a fourth. Books/Posts 19-21 will appear hopefully this week and 22 will appear early next week assuming I finish it sometime soon. And they will be:
I don’t feel too guilty as I supported a local bookstore, a great nonprofit and picked up five books on my list (bolded below), and five I’ve either heard about or thought sounded fascinating, including a book by Paulo Coelho who I’m interested in reading more of since I read The Alchemist. The books I picked up are:
- Bastard out of Carolina – Dorothy Allison
- By the River Piedra, I Sat Down & Wept – Paulo Coelho
- Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha – Roddy Doyle
- A Map of the World – Jane Hamilton
- Brave New World – Aldous Huxley
- The Boy Detective Fails – Joe Meno
- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn – Betty Smith
- Galileo’s Daughter – Dava Sobel
- Loot: The Battle over the Stolen Treasures of the Ancient World – Sharon Waxman
- The Professor and the Madman – Simon Winchester
And here is a picture.
This is my Tom, my boyfriend. He won’t be too happy about the picture, but I like the picture (and I asked first). Not to mention I was trying to sneakily take the picture and failed miserably.
Most of the time when I say we, I mean Tom and I. He’s not the biggest fan of reading, but he’s starting to realize how AWESOME books are. 😀 In the picture he’s finishing Mockingjay of the Hunger Games trilogy on my eReader (which he didn’t want to give back).
I know I drive him nuts by reading as much as I do (like not paying attention to him on long car rides or not noticing he’s at the airport to pick me up because it’s a critical moment in the novel :-D), but I’m slowly chipping away at his ‘non-reader’ status. He will be happy to see that his orange obsession (the flip-flops) and Dexter (the leg and tail in the lower right) stayed in the picture.
And on that note – I’m signing off to start writing my backlogged posts. I’ve almost surpassed last year’s posts and have plans to keep moving forward so that’s a definite plus. If only I’d keep to my demand of not starting a new novel until I’ve posted the last… Now to keep up the momentum…