Hagedorn, Jessica
Haig, Matt
Hale, Shannon
Hall, Alexis
- London Calling
- Boyfriend Material
- Waiting for the Flood
Hall, Brian
- Bob’s Burgers
- Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare (#2) – Adam Beechen, Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, John McNamee, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington
- Bob’s Burgers: Pan Fried (#4) – Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Mike Olsen, and Anneliese Waddington
- Bob’s Burgers: Char-Broiled (#5) – Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington
Hammett, Dashiell
Hanh, Thich Nhat
Harkness, Deborah
- All Souls Trilogy
Hartinger, Brent
Hartman, Rachel
- Seraphina
Harris, Dan
Harris, Joanne
Harvard Business Review
Harwood, Joshua
- Bethesda Barracudas – Ryan Taylor & Joshua Harwood
- The Chrismukkah Crisis – Ryan Taylor & Joshua Harwood
Harwood-Jones, Markus
- Romeo and Julian
Hastings, Rachel
- Bob’s Burgers
- Bob’s Burgers: Volume 1 (#1) – Chad Brewster, Jeff Drake, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, and Mike Olsen
- Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare (#2) – Adam Beechen, Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, John McNamee, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington
- Bob’s Burgers: Well Done (#3) – Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Rachel Hastings, and Mark Von Der Heide
- Bob’s Burgers: Pan Fried (#4) – Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Mike Olsen, and Anneliese Waddington
- Bob’s Burgers: Char-Broiled (#5) – Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hayes-McCoy, Felicity
Helprin, Mark
Henry, Lisa
- The Lords of Bucknall Club – J.A. Rock & Lisa Henry
Henshaw, Pat
Henstra, Sarah
Highsmith, Patricia
Hill, Napoleon
- The Mental Dynamite Series
Hill, Sioban
Hill, Susan
Hilton, James
Hinekure, Wataru
- My Love Mix-Up! – Wataru Hinekure & Aruko
Hirshman, Linda
Holleran, Andrew
Holmes, Linda
Holsinger, Bruce
Homayoun, Ana
Hook, Justin
- Bob’s Burgers
- Bob’s Burgers: Volume 1 (#1) – Chad Brewster, Jeff Drake, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, and Mike Olsen
- Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare (#2) – Adam Beechen, Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, John McNamee, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington
Hornby, Nick
Hugo, Victor
Hutchinson, Shaun David
Huxley, Aldous
Iacovelli, Jennifer
Indigo, Bre
Irving, John
Isherwood, Christopher
Ishiguro, Kazuo
Ishii, Anne
Ito, Masaomi
Jacobson, Howard
James, Morgan
- Hockey Ever After – Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James
- Winging It (#1)
- Scoring Position (#2)
- Unrivaled (#3)
- Crushed Ice (#4)
James, Syrie
Jamison, D.J.
- Love Notes
Jamison, Kay Redfield
Janovsky, Timothy
- Boy Meets Boy
Jeffers, Regina
Jenner, Natalie
Jentleson, Adam
Johnston, E.K.
Jones, Sharon
Jones, Yeager, Dolan, Fletcher & Dor
Jones, Jr., Robert
Joyce, James
June, Jason
Kafka, Franz
Kaiser, Shannon
Kamal, Soniah
Kamatani, Yuhki
Kane, Ashlyn
- Hockey Ever After – Ashlyn Kane & Morgan James
- Winging It (#1)
- Scoring Position (#2)
- Unrivaled (#3)
- Crushed Ice (#4)
- The Inside Edge
Kaufman, Andrew
Kaufman, Moisés
Kaysen, Susanna
Keaton, Elle
Keller, Sophie Chen
Kells, Claire
Kelly, Helena
Khorram, Adib
Kerr, Trace
Kidd, Chip
Kidder, Tracy
Kieves, Tama
King, Stacy
King, Stephen
Kluger, Steve
Klune, T.J.
Kohler, Sheila
Kolbeins, Graham
Kondo, Marie
Konigsberg, Bill
Kwan, Kevin
- Crazy Rich Asians
Lahiri, Jhumpa
Lain, Tara
- The Hot Cannolis
- Nerds vs Jocks – Eli Easton & Tara Lain
Lakoff, George
Lane, Amy
Larsson, Stieg
- The Millennium Trilogy
Lauren, Christina
LaZebnik, Claire
L’Engle, Madeleine
- Kairos
- Time Quintet
- A Wrinkle in Time (#1)Â [K1]
- A Wind in the Door (#2)Â [K2]
- A Swiftly Tilting Planet (#3)Â [K4]
- Many Waters (#4)Â [K3]
- An Acceptable Time (#5) [K8]
- O’Keefe Family
- Time Quintet
Le Carré, John
Leavitt, David
Lee, Emery
Lee, Harper
Lee, Mackenzie
Léger, Tom and Riley MacLeod (eds.)
Lehane, Dennis (ed.)
Leiris, Antoine
Lemmie, Lennon
Lennon, Tom
Leonard, Elmore
Lepionka, Kristen
Levin, Ira
Levithan, David
Li, Grace D.
Lin, Hudson
Linden, Gillian
Long, Riley
Lowenthal, Michael
Lovett, Charlie
Lowell, Catherine
Ma, Ling
Mac Sweeney, NaoÃse
MacAskill, William
Machiavelli, Niccolo
Mackintosh, Michael
Maddow, Rachel
Mantel, Hilary
Markinson, T.B.
Maron, Margaret
Martin, George R.R.
MartÃnez, Guillermo
Marx, Patricia
Maupin, Armistead
May, Stephen
Mayes, Frances
McCaw, Robert
McCleen, Grace
McDermid, Val
McGonigal, Kelly
McIntyre, Katherine
McKay, Sinclair
McKenna, Juliet E.
McNamara, Shelly
McNicholl, Damian
McPhee, Martha
McQuiston, Casey
Melendez, Jarrett
Melville, Herman
Meno, Joe
Merrow, J.L.
Messina, Lynn
Meyer, Stephenie
- The Host
- Twilight Saga – Stephenie Meyer
Meyler, Deborah
Michell, Hannah
- Excavations
Milano, Birdie
Miles, Kathryn
Miller, Henry
Miller, Jenna
Minichiello, Victor and John Scott (eds.)
Mitchell, David
Mitchell, Margaret
Montgomery, E.E.
Montgomery, Mora
Montreux, Edie
Moone, Ruby
Moore, Katie
Moore, Perry
Morrell, David
Morrison, Toni
Moulin, Jules
Moynihan, Lindsay
Mullan, John
Mullany, Janet
- Immortal Jane Austen
Murakami, Haruki
Murphy, Christopher
Murray, Andrew Hunter