
Lunch Break Interlude IV

Lucky you, fellow bloggers, two Lunch Break Interlude posts within a two-week span!  The writing bug has clearly infested my brain, as by the time this posts I will have pre-scheduled three weeks of consecutive posts, dating all the way back to my first piece about Anne Brontë!

Mother’s Day weekend I went over to Harvard to get my haircut and once again couldn’t escape the lure of Harvard Bookstore. I stopped in afterward and got these two lovely books! Annabel by Kathleen Winter is on my long to-be-read list from when I saw it in Harvard Book Store over a year ago and The Ghost Road by Pat Barker is a Man-Booker Prize winning novel and I’m slowly working my way through all those winners as well. The only downside was that The Ghost Road is the third book in a trilogy and the other two books in the trilogy, even though they were used, were more expensive so I didn’t grab them, but that means I’ll be supporting my local library!

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Random, Updates

Lunch Break Interlude III

Like I said on the last Lunch Break Interlude barely two weeks ago.  It never fails that if I post a regular update something else awesome comes along that I want to share.  So lucky for you dear blogging world  I don’t have a set schedule!

After all the hullabaloo (aka my What about Anne Brontë? series here, here and here) I realized I didn’t have any clue where my copies of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre are and I tried to find three editions of those two and any Anne novel but couldn’t find separate editions 🙁  Instead I splurged and spent most of my remaining Amazon gift cards from Christmas/Birthday on a nicer collection and a gift for Tom to the right. The book contains Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre and Agnes Grey.

On a completely different note, and the REAL reason for this post, last week Claire over at Word by Word (direct link to the post) posted about Tagxedo. Tagxedo is an awesome program you can enter a blog address or any amount of text and it will create a designed tag cloud for you. Mine is below.

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May 2012 Update

All sorts of exciting stuff happened this past month and so far this month.  Not really, but it’s a great way to start a blog post right?!  However, that’s an awesome photo to the left isn’t it? Last week, Tom and I took a day off in the middle of the week to see Anderson Cooper speak at Tom’s alma mater, Salem State University, but AC cancelled at the last-minute. And all I have to say to that is, DAMN YOU WORLD EVENTS!

However, when trying to decide what to do with our time I asked the best question any good bibliophile can ask, ‘Are there any good used book stores around?’ Well, after a quick search I found Derby Square Books and that’s where these AWESOME photos took place. Photo 1 (above is the view when you walk in the door) and Photo 2 is me so overwhelmed I didn’t even know where to start!

Once I had a few moments to take it all in Tom took the photo to the left.  I’m pointing at the Science Fiction/Fantasy sign even though I was looking mostly at classics.  IF you look closely you can already see I have one book in hand.  As an aside, Tom didn’t spend a lot of time reading before he met me, however, slowly but surely I’m turning him into a reader!  He is currently reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, and just finished Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho and has quite a few others lined up for this summer.

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March 2012 Update

Found at http://socialsistersblog.wordpress.com/2012/01/12/blog-update/It has been some time since I last did a monthly update and I guess that’s because I didn’t have much to share.  I’ve been reading books and working and that’s about all I’ve done over the past few months so there wasn’t much to say other than my reviews, so on to the various updates!

The Oddness of Moving Things
Last month was my most successful month ever! It’s not a lot compared to some of the sites out there, but I had over 1100 unique views in the month and I was excited.  I remember when I started and I was getting 75-100 views each month!  So THANK YOU, everyone who reads and comments and for all the other wonderful book blogs out there who inspire me to change things on here, read different books and interact with the awesome book blogging community!

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The Joy of Books and The Edinburgh Book Sculptures

This (not sure if the embed is working for anyone else, but it isn’t working on my computer at the moment) was recently shared on Bookshelf Porn and it made me smile this morning. I’m usually loathe to share things I haven’t read, unless it’s within my Monthly Updates, but as I can barely keep myself on track to do those, I thought I should share this immediately.

On a similar note, if you haven’t seen the awesome book sculptures from Scotland, you should check them out In case you haven’t seen them check them out at This Central Station. The dragon is my favorite, of course:

Mysterious paper sculptures
Photo linked from Chris Donia’s Flickr.