ARC, Books

Book 807: Stupid Love (Five Foxes #1) – S.J. Carter

I’m not 100% sure why I said yes to this when it came through Gay Romance Reviews.* I think it was because of the enemies to lovers storyline/trope, but who knows really? It also could’ve been because of the cover model, he looks vaguely familiar, or it could’ve been the academic setting. Really there’s no telling with me.

This was my first time reading something by Carter and it wasn’t too bad. I’m always hesitant trying a new self-published author. You never really know what you’re going to get when it comes to editing and proofreading. Thankfully, for the most part, there weren’t any issues that stood out for me. A couple of minor errors here and there but not so egregious to make me highlight them and share them so we’ll call it a win.

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ARC, Books

Book 804: Finn’s Fantasy (Maine Men #1) – K.C. Wells

Full disclosure, when I said yes to this from Gay Romance Reviews, I accidentally confused Wells with Elle Brownlee (if you remember my obsession with Two for Trust you’d know why).* I knew Wells name was familiar, because I’ve actually read a few other books by her that I enjoyed.

The real kicker and reason I said yes to this one is because it is set in Maine and we’re of course obsessed with Maine. We spend more time in the lakes region or Western Maine rather than on the coast, like where these are set, but of course I was going to read a series set in Maine by an author who is in my mid-range of sure I’ll read 😀

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Book 802: The House in the Cerulean Sea – T.J. Klune

I knew I was going to like this going in because of how much I enjoyed the quirkiness of Klune’s The Extraordinaries, but I didn’t know I would like it this much! I’m now desperate for Flash Fire (the sequel to The Extraordinaries), but have months to wait!

The House on the Cerulean Sea is the story of Linus Baker, a cog in the machine that is the Department in Charge of Magical Youth (DICOMY). He is sent to Marsayas to investigate the orphanage run by Arthur Parnassus, an extraordinary caretaker who cares for and teaches his wards but has his own secret.

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Book 801: The Little Library – Kim Fielding

What a lovely little novel. I grabbed it from the library after reading Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking for Love and it was a fun read as spring slowly approaches in Boston.

I obviously picked it up because of the title and was so happy the little library played such a big part, including one of the final scenes that totally had me tearing up!

The Little Library is the story of Elliott, a recently scandalized former professor trying to build back his career, and Simon, an ex-cop trying to figure out what to do with his life after a bullet to the knee forced a career realignment. Clearly, they’re going to fall in love and the library is going to play a part, this is a romance novel after all.

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Book 799: Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking for Love – Kim Fielding

Some days those emails from Amazon with the deal of the day books really get it right 😀 In general I avoid buying MM romance novels because I read them so fast I don’t feel like I get my money’s worth when really, I absolutely do. I just know that if I bought everyone I wanted I’d be broke all the time. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to support my local library by checking them out. This time though I was too impatient!

I grabbed a copy of this earlier in the month with no intentions of reading it and yet here I am. I needed some padding for another galley and this was right there on my Kindle front page, what else was I supposed to do?

Continue reading “Book 799: Teddy Spenser Isn’t Looking for Love – Kim Fielding”