
August, September and October Recap 2018

I’ve put off posting this since August 1. I actually had a draft scheduled for September 3, and again for both October 1 and November 2. And yet here we are almost two full weeks into November and It’s just now being posted.

When I started this post the first line was: Good Bye Summer/not really damn weather. Now it’s more like holy hell the cold has arrived (not really, but it was below freezing the morning I wrote this). I’m going to keep it pretty simple so I can just get this thing posted. I do have the last two books queued up but am spreading them out over the next two weeks so I at least get a post a week. Continue reading “August, September and October Recap 2018”

ARC, Books

Book 545: You Think It, I’ll Say It – Curtis Sittenfeld

I’m slowly making more progress on my ARC/Galleys. It’s been a while since I last read a collection of short stories, last summer I read a couple of collections, but they’re not something I seek out very often. So when the publisher reached out about this one I figured why not.*

I’ve enjoyed Sittenfeld’s writing, Prep, from way before I started this blog and more recently Eligible, her retelling of Pride and Prejudice as part of the now (seemingly?) defunct The Austen Project. The downside of this collection in particular, is because I enjoy Sittenfeld’s writing, I had already read at least three, if not five of the previously published short stories of the ten, but I’ll talk more about this later.

Continue reading “Book 545: You Think It, I’ll Say It – Curtis Sittenfeld”


Book 543: The Age of Innocence – Edith Wharton

We moved last month and I had to shuffle books around and needed to pull one of a certain size off my shelf and this one was it so I figured might as well read it and I’m glad I did! I honestly thought this was on my Classics Club list, but apparently it wasn’t when I went to document it on my lists.

Apparently, I picked it up as part of my re-read books from high school that you didn’t like to see how they/I have changed after attending a panel at the 2012 Boston Book Festival. Although I didn’t read this one in high school, I read Ethan Frome, which of course I was disgruntled about because it wasn’t Star Wars or fantasy. Now I am again interested in the retelling that I mention, so who knows I might revisit this sooner than I think. Continue reading “Book 543: The Age of Innocence – Edith Wharton”


February Recap 2018

It has been a crazy month in Boston! We’ve had temperatures in the mid 70s (low 20s for you C people), and then have had it snow the next day! Both of the photos to the right are from two of the warmer days.

The top photo was the day it hit nearly 75° and I went for a walk that morning. It was sad to see how gross the harbor walk was and that I couldn’t walk the whole thing.

The bottom photo is from when I went out to do a resume/cover letter workshop with the group my sister works for, it was a beautiful day and by time I left after a few hours most of the snow was gone. I’m honestly surprised I haven’t gotten sick with all of it this year!

In addition we’re getting ready for our move (less than 10 days) and so that has added additional chaos to our lives which we don’t really need, but will be so worth it once I’m sitting on one of the decks in a chair reading a book and sipping a lemonade. Continue reading “February Recap 2018”


Book 532: Epic Fail – Claire LaZebnik

This is one of the best Jane Austen adaptations I’ve read in a long time, maybe I’m just moving toward only wanting to read YA adaptations but honestly it made me laugh and similarly to The Season I read back in November I read it pretty much in one sitting. Basically, this book did for Pride and Prejudice what Clueless (IMDb link) did for Emma.

Seriously, if you don’t believe me just go look at the number of Austen adaptations/modernizations that I’ve read here. I’ll wait.

Continue reading “Book 532: Epic Fail – Claire LaZebnik”