ARC, Books

Book 723: Once You Go This Far – Kristen Lepionka

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this. When the publisher reached out to me about an ARC I liked the synopsis and loved the fact Lepionka co-hosts a podcast called “Unlikeable Female Characters”, so said sure why not.*

I don’t know if it’s worth noting (but clearly, I’m noting it), the first thing I noticed on Goodreads is I am one of very few men who have read this book prior to release. I don’t know if that means we’re not the target audience or if it was just a coincidence, but I thought it was interesting.

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Book 722: His Horizon (His #1) – Con Riley

When I saw this come through from Gay Romance Reviews I wasn’t sure about it because so many abs and self-published, but then I read the synopsis and was on board with it so requested a copy.*

I loved my time living in England, so when a romance novel set on the south coast with a little bit of mystery and rivals to lover story line comes around, sign me up. That being said, when, not if, we buy a pub and/or bed and breakfast in England (or maybe Spain, Tim and I are still negotiating on location) I will 100% be blaming this book. Okay, maybe not blaming, but isn’t that a picture: a book blogger buying a pub/B&B so they can read and blog (and of course interact with the locals/travelers to an extent) because of a book? Swoon.

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Book 721: Forgive and Forget – Charlie Cochet

This was a weird novel. I checked it out because of the cutie on the cover and the whole baking thing (there’s apparently a newer, hotter cover on Cochet’s website). It ended up being an amnesia spy thriller romantic comedy serendipitous mash-up that mostly worked.

Joe owns a pie bakery in NYC and has a traumatic past and when he finds “Tom” knocked out in his garden with no memory, he takes him in and trusts that he’s not a crazy person who is going to kill him in  his sleep and the story goes from there.

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Book 720: Camp – L.C. Rosen

So, this is apparently the LGBTQ+ young adult book darling of summer 2020, or at least that’s what it feels like. I’ve seen it on so many lists, numerous bloggers/instagrammers I follow have already read it and sung its praises, and I know it’s already been optioned for a film.

Honestly, though I don’t get it. It was good but it wasn’t that good, even if it is all about fighting toxic masculinity. It reminded me a lot of the early 2000s teen RomComs, specifically She’s All That and Never Been Kissed. AND there are so many other books that have similar strains of finding your happily ever after by pretending to be someone you’re not and everyone overcoming the shock factor to just say omg yes, we’re in love. My response is of course rather vague so as not to spoil too much of anything if you decide you want to read it.

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Book 719: Wheels Up (Out of Uniform #4) – Annabeth Albert

I’m not sure if this is Albert’s first foray into kink, but honestly it was a little underwhelming on the kink front. The only reason I mention this and start my review with it is I feel like there was a warning or a mention of it in the front matter and I was like oh this should be interesting.

Maybe I’ve just read works with a lot more kink in them, even though it’s not my usual fare, but this one just seemed so tame. Either way, Albert continues to bring beautifully written character driven romances to my world, tugging at my heart strings will making me blush constantly.

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