
Book 693: The Senator’s Secret – K.C. Wells

After picking up My Fair Brady from one of the daily Kindle emails with e-books on sale and thoroughly enjoying it, I looked into my library’s Dreamspun Desires listings and they had plenty. So, you’re welcome ;-D

I picked up this, A Christmas Cabin for Two and Suddenly Yours to start. I mean I do have 200ish books on my TBR shelf so I couldn’t go too wild (to start). I let Tim pick the next book I read by title and he picked this one (mostly because of the puppies mentioned on the cover) and it just happened to be by K.C. Wells, the same author as My Fair Brady.

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Book 692: My Fair Brady – K.C. Wells

I’m not even going to lie to you, there are three (definitely, because they’re already queued up, but maybe four, maybe more) coming to you back to back. And I won’t even pretend that I didn’t pick them because of the eye candy on the cover, I mean that’s why they’re there right? (I will diversify if I keep going into the series though—promise.)

Apparently all I want to read are feel good stories with minimal conflict and the Dreamspun Desires imprint of Dreamspinner Press has apparently got me covered for at least 100 books. I can’t promise I won’t read all of them, but I can tell you I won’t read them all back-to-back at least 😀

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Book 691: The Sealed Letter – Emma Donoghue

A few months ago I went through my bookshelves and made a couple of piles of books. The only qualifications were that they had to be on my shelves for a while (this has been on my shelves since April 2014) and that they probably be a quick read. This one falls somewhere in the middle of the pack of Donoghue’s books that I’ve read. It’s definitely not as good as Room or Slammerkin, but I do think it’s a little better than Hood, mostly because Donoghue really excels at historical fiction.

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Book 690: Off Base (Out of Uniform #1) – Annabeth Albert

Give me a minute to catch my breath . . . haahaa. No, seriously though. I didn’t read this through in one sitting, but I may as well have.

I’ve read two books with characters that would probably be in the Out of Uniform series by Annabeth Albert, Save the Date (with Wendy Qualls) and Connection Error. Both were great reads, but this one cranks it up. I’m not sure if it’s the sheer confidence of Pike, a just starting out college professor, or the hesitation and confusion of closeted virginal Navy Seal Zack.

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ARC, Books

Book 689: The Play of His Life – Amy Aislin

I honestly didn’t plan for April to be full of MM Romance novels, but that’s how the world works. Plus in this new world of coronavirus stay-at-homeness they’re the only thing I want to read. So in the words of Jonathan Van Ness, buckle up queen (YouTube video; watch the first 10-15 seconds) there are more to come after this, thanks to the library coming through on a few that have been on hold.

I read this as part of the Gay Romance Reviews publicity push for The Play of His Life‘s re-release later this month. I was intrigued when it landed in my inbox because I love second chance romances (oh hey Persuasion), and let’s face it MM romance sports stories are usually pretty hot and heavy. I did have some hesitations about accepting it because it is self-published, but it did come from a publicist rather than direct from the author so someone had to vet it at some point, so I figured why not?

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