
Book 917: Lumber Jacked (Rainbow Cove #3) – Annabeth Albert

I snuck this one in on the flight home from Florida. I knew it would be a quick read, but I didn’t realize it was a novella even though it says it on the cover. FAIL.

Lumber Jacked features Johnny, the wood-providing lumberjack mentioned as a friend of Curtis in Tender with a Twist, and Cam, a makeup vlogger who returned to Rainbow Cove to help out his grandmother. Cam mistakes Johnny for a stripper his best friend might’ve sent after a bad day, and the story takes off from there.

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Book 915: A Novel Death – Judi Culbertson

This was one big “MEH . . .” Some of it was the writing, a lot of it was the characters, and the nail in the coffin was the overall storyline.

I got a copy of this back in March 2013 and it has sat on my Kindle ever since, not for any particular reason, I just never got to it. I’m a little surprised I didn’t read it sooner since it’s a mystery/thriller about a book with bookstores and libraries involved and those, in general, are like catnip for me.

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Book 912: Tender with a Twist (Rainbow Cove #2) – Annabeth Albert

And this is what I get when I don’t read the blurb on the back cover—a much kinkier romance than I was expecting ¯_(ツ)_/¯. I figured out who the protagonists would be pretty quickly in book one, Trust with a Chaser, but I 100% missed it’d be this kinky if there were any hints!

I do love that Albert likes to spice things up every now and then and that it doesn’t change her character-driven slow-burn romances, so really even if it just pushes me outside of my normal comfort zones I’m here for it.

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Book 911: The Bluest Eye – Toni Morrison

Toni Morrison is one of those authors who have always been on my list, mostly due to the controversy around their books (stupid book banners), but I’ve never gotten around to reading them. Both The Bluest Eye and Beloved were on my The Classics Club list I created back in 2012 and I picked up phyical copies sometime after that.

When Morrison passed in 2019, I told myself I would read her works and it took me this long to get to them thanks to always being distracted and just not making an effort. Both are relatively short so ended up on my Rando Book Selector spreadsheet using randomly generated titles from roughly 60 books to slowly chip away at my TBR pile and The Bluest Eye came up as I was planning for a recent vacation and here we are.

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Book 909: The Professor – Charlotte Brontë

I’m actually making an effort to clear my TBR shelves whether it’s my physical bookshelf or my Kindle, so there are going to be some random books showing up over the next few months.

This is the penultimate complete work of the Brontë sisters that remained on my TBR list. The final book remaining is Charlotte’s Shirley which I’ll probably cross off at some point this year too. I do have a book of poetry by Emily that I want to read too, but I have a hard time finding the motivation to read poetry in general.

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