
Book 878: Mr. Naughty List (Home for the Holidays #2) – Leta Blake

Kindle Unlimited is both a curse and a blessing. There are some well written and incredibly poor written books on there, and there are SO MANY books. You’ll never really be at a loss for something if you’re cool with self-publishing (which is always hit or miss), don’t want to read anything from most major publishers, and aren’t looking for the hot new release. So yeah, definitely hit or miss.

It was a hit for me after having received a review request for Mr. Jingle Bells, the third book in Leta Blake’s Home for the Holidays series. I was able to grab Mr. Frosty Pants and this one. And let me tell you, this one REALLY picks up the spice and the heat. I’m talking full on kink-tacular Christmas celebration with costumes and spanking and other stuff too.

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Book 876: Mr. Frosty Pants (Home for the Holidays #1) – Leta Blake

I hadn’t planned to start my MM Holiday Romance binge this early, but when I started getting requests for reviews, including the third book in this series, it was inevitable that I’d start sooner than expected.

The challenge I face when I get sucked in by a blurb is whether or not to go back and read the books earlier in the series. Even if they’re “stand alone” I truly love it when they’re inter connected even if it’s just quick glimpses of future characters. That common thread is just the best to me. Thankfully, when I saw Mr. Jingle Bells I liked the idea of this one (the first) and am sort of meh about the second in the series Mr. Naughty List so thought why not.

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Book 872: The Lights on Knockbridge Lane (Garnet Run #3) – Roan Parrish

I originally requested a copy of this from the publisher but was denied 🙁 Thankfully, my local library got digital copies so I didn’t have to wait too long! I’m still a little disgruntled they only had an “e-book” and not a kindle version, but I’ll get over it at least I got to read it!

After reading the first two books in Parrish’s Garnet Run series, Better Than People and Best Laid Plans, I had such high expectations for this one. In some ways it met them, Parrish is a wonderful author, but in other ways it fell short for me.

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ARC, Books

Book 871: Just Ash – Sol Santana

When I stumbled across this on NetGalley I knew I wanted to read it.* That book cover has Boston (including where I actually live) on it, it’s an own voices LGBTQIA story, and it happens to be released in October and set in Salem, I mean COME ON how could I NOT request it. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite live up to my hopes for it. Maybe they were too high to start because the book started out strong but puttered out by the end.

Just Ash is the story of Ash who has spent their entire life as a boy who happened to have both male and female parts, but in the opening scene gets his period and a series of horrible events follow as he is forced to pretend to be a girl by his parents for some time until he finally sets his foot down.

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Book 869: The Guncle – Steven Rowley

I had to wait a few weeks for this book to come in at the library, but when it did I immediately slotted it into my upcoming books to read. I did this not so much out of an OMG I have to read this but more out of an OMG I need to read this before it goes back to the library because the wait list exploded and I’d never get it back again!

The book is a lot more serious than the cover and the characters really make you think it is. It covers death and grief and growing from both of those things at different ages and life stages. It talks about substance abuse and  sibling rivalries. And it highlights dysfunctional adult sibling relationships. Rowley really did a great job of bringing humor and lightness to some really serious topics.

Continue reading “Book 869: The Guncle – Steven Rowley”