
Book 932: Young Jane Austen – Lisa Pliscou

I picked this up back in 2016 and it’s languished on my TBR Austen/Brontë shelf ever since. It came up on my random book generator spreadsheet when I was packing books for our vacation back in February but it was the last one on the list and it kept getting delayed.

So FINALLY I made myself read wedge it in between ARCs this month and realized I should’ve read it weeks ago because it could easily be read in one sitting.

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ARC, Books

Book 931: Book Boyfriend – Kris Ripper

After this landed in my inbox as part of a larger round-up of upcoming releases by Carina/Harlequin releases I jumped to request it.* Who doesn’t want to read a book about books and falling in love around the publication of a book?! It’s basically catnip for book bloggers 😀

Unfortunately, the premise was better in my head than the execution in reality. That’s not saying Ripper didn’t have two wonderful characters and a decent story, it just was a struggle to get into and stay engaged with until the very end.

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Book 917: Lumber Jacked (Rainbow Cove #3) – Annabeth Albert

I snuck this one in on the flight home from Florida. I knew it would be a quick read, but I didn’t realize it was a novella even though it says it on the cover. FAIL.

Lumber Jacked features Johnny, the wood-providing lumberjack mentioned as a friend of Curtis in Tender with a Twist, and Cam, a makeup vlogger who returned to Rainbow Cove to help out his grandmother. Cam mistakes Johnny for a stripper his best friend might’ve sent after a bad day, and the story takes off from there.

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Book 915: A Novel Death – Judi Culbertson

This was one big “MEH . . .” Some of it was the writing, a lot of it was the characters, and the nail in the coffin was the overall storyline.

I got a copy of this back in March 2013 and it has sat on my Kindle ever since, not for any particular reason, I just never got to it. I’m a little surprised I didn’t read it sooner since it’s a mystery/thriller about a book with bookstores and libraries involved and those, in general, are like catnip for me.

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February Recap 2022

So, February is ALWAYS a short month, but this year it felt like at most 10 days. A good chunk of this was because of a week-long cruise that’s been on hold in some version of another since 2020.

After weighing all of the pros and cons we finally decided to stick with it and I’m glad we did, we both came back 100x more relaxed (except the crazy FLL airport) and warmer than the cold weather and snow in Boston would EVER let us get this time of year.

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