
June Recap 2022

What a month! It started with us getting Covid from our trip to Texas (not bad cases, just knocked us out for a few days), was immediately followed by my graduate school program starting in the middle of makeup events at work from the last two years, with a birthday trip for Tim (thankfully drivable this year to Upstate NY), and the busiest time of the year at work in general for me (end of the fiscal year).

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May Recap 2022

May did NOT fly by even though we spent a long weekend in North Conway, NH for our 8th anniversary and flew to Texas at the end of the month for graduation parties. Add in that work picked up with the end of the fiscal year coming up fast and school starts the first week of June, I’m trying to figure out how it felt like a regular full-length long-ass month.

I got a lot of knitting done, more on that later, and read SO many books. I’m ready for summer, but not really ready for the heat so we’ll see how long that lasts.

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April Recap 2022

We had a busy month full of hiking, travel, and knitting.

We kicked the month off by flying to Dallas for a family wedding and got to spend time with all of Tim’s family, but most importantly the niblings. It was great to see everyone, but what a whirlwind trip. We also had a bit of free time the day before the wedding and got to experience the Main St Fort Worth Arts Festival and Fort Worth Art Fair (hilariously even met an artist from Western Mass that we had a piece shipped home from).

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Book 932: Young Jane Austen – Lisa Pliscou

Book cover of "Young Jane Austen" with Amazon Affiliate linkI picked this up back in 2016 and it’s languished on my TBR Austen/Brontë shelf ever since. It came up on my random book generator spreadsheet when I was packing books for our vacation back in February but it was the last one on the list and it kept getting delayed.

So FINALLY I made myself read wedge it in between ARCs this month and realized I should’ve read it weeks ago because it could easily be read in one sitting.

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Book 931: Book Boyfriend – Kris Ripper

Book cover of "Book Boyfriend" with Amazon Affiliate linkAfter this landed in my inbox as part of a larger round-up of upcoming releases by Carina/Harlequin releases I jumped to request it.* Who doesn’t want to read a book about books and falling in love around the publication of a book?! It’s basically catnip for book bloggers 😀

Unfortunately, the premise was better in my head than the execution in reality. That’s not saying Ripper didn’t have two wonderful characters and a decent story, it just was a struggle to get into and stay engaged with until the very end.

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