
One Year Anniversary! Part 2

As promised, here is post number two for the day.

This post is about numbers. Over the past year I’ve seen a lot of traffic come to my blog, starting with only 67 views in July 2010 to over 600 views in May of 2011. I’ve had over 3,000 unique visitors over the past year. I know quite a few of the visits are by spam-bots, but I’m also convinced quite a few of the visits are by students writing papers, the most common searches leading people to my site generally starting with ‘quotes from…’

After the jump you will find a list of the Top 10 visited books. I’ve removed my old ‘Quotes from…’ posts as I didn’t actually review the books and I’ve grouped all the Artemis Fowl books together as they were almost all in the Top 10. I’ve also included the Top 10 most used Tags.

I can’t believe it’s been a year, especially with how quickly I abandoned my blog for my family and friends while living abroad for two years. I guess between my love of reading and my newly found “tech” skills in my position at work I’ve become better at keeping up with my posts.

The final post of the day will be about the changes I’ve already made and those coming to the blog! I know it’s a bit egocentric and self-serving to post this many on one day, but I might as well since I’m sure there will be a streak in the near future where I forget to post or refuse to post.
Click here to see the Top 10 Visited posts and the Top 10 Tags…


One Year Anniversary! Part 1

A year ago today I started this blog.

I started the blog because I was wrapping up a year of AmeriCorps and in the process of searching for a full-time job. I went from working 10-12 hour days to having no specific reason to get out of bed. At one point during the many hours of trolling the internet for jobs (or distractions) I stumbled across the 50 book challenge and thus this blog began.

My original goal was to read 50 books by the end of December 2010, but between getting a full-time job (with an awesome organization) and not writing posts for all the books I read, that didn’t happen. I reached 27 posts.

However, yesterday I realized if I looked at the calendar year for the blog, July 20, 2010 – July 20, 2011, I completed the original 50 book challenge. This is a feat for two reasons: 1) I didn’t believe I’d stick with the blog – I barely remember to email my family members on a regular basis; and 2) I actually read 51 books in 365 days (more read, but documented 51).

Perhaps this calendar year (July 20, 2011 – July 20 2012) I’ll actually get all the books I read into the blog. Stay tuned for posts later today about updates to the blog and the top ten books visited on this site for the past year!

One Year Anniversary! Part 2

One Year Anniversary! Part 3

*I did not make the picture, but I wish I had. I’ve gained the skill set this year to make that one so maybe next year I’ll make my own! I found it through Google Image.