
Book 1,001: Superhero – Eli Easton

I kept going down the Eli Easton rabbit hole after completing the Nerds vs. Jocks series and stumbled across this in the Kindle Unlimited library. The blurb drew me in because childhood best friends to lovers is usually a really good trope, that’s usually with a gap in between after one comes out, but this one was different.

The protagonists of this novel are Jordan, a nerdy kid who loves to draw, and Owen, the big jock who becomes a state-wide wrestling star and has protected Jordan ever since he came out. It wasn’t until after I finished the novel that I realized some of the scenes may have happened when they were under age and that made me feel a little squidgy.

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ARC, Books

Book 978: Never Ever Getting Back Together – Sophie Gonzales

I’ve been looking forward to reading this one since Wednesday Books’ marketing team reached out way back in April!* I generally like to read a book closer to release so I held off on reading it and then of course missed the release by two weeks, but what can you do when life and school and work get so busy you barely have time to do anything but get from day-to-day?

My first interaction with Sophie Gonzalez was her collaboration with Cale Dietrich If This Gets Out and after adoring that when this landed in my inbox I immediately said yes and am so glad I did. This brings a new romance that I haven’t read in a long time to my site (FF) and increases bisexual representation as the two protagonists are both bisexual! I’m still giggling about this line:

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ARC, Books

Book 975: A Gift-Wrapped Holiday (Lighthouse Bay #4) – Amy Aislin

I requested a copy of this from Gay Romance Reviews because it’s Maine and I remembered enjoying the couple of books I read by Amy Aislin.*

This is the story of Luca who fled the west coast after his family shot down his idea to make their wrapping paper company more eco-friendly and environmentally conscious to open his own holiday wrapping store, and Mal, a single dad and graphic designer who recently moved back to his home town to be closer to family.

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ARC, Books

Book 948: Patricia Wants to Cuddle – Samantha Allen

What a wonderfully weird novel. When this landed in my inbox from the publisher I first thought WTF is that because the cover art screams pulp fiction and as much as I find those hilarious I’m not usually drawn to them. However, I’d decided I wanted to expand my LGBT novel repertoire, and knowing this featured lesbian/bisexual female protagonists I said sure why not.*

Billed as a satire of The BachelorPatricia Wants to Cuddle takes place in the final two weeks of The Catch‘s season with four female finalists and the catch going to the San Juan islands off the coast of Washington state. While it is that, it’s also a final girl thriller novel with murder and mystery and urban legends aplenty to keep the reader engaged.

Continue reading “Book 948: Patricia Wants to Cuddle – Samantha Allen”