
Book 1,058: In Deeper Waters – F.T. Lukens

The final book I completed in 2024. There might’ve been one more between this and the last one, I honestly can’t remember anymore.

Whenever we drive to NC to see family we generally break the drive up over two days so the trip is four days there and back (we usually stay a full week in the middle) and the three times we’ve done it now we’ve listened to an audiobook and this time it was In Deeper Waters.

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ARC, Books

Book 974: Boyfriend Material (London Calling #1) – Alexis Hall

There’s not a lot to say about this one because I reviewed Boyfriend Material back in 2020 and adored it. Tim stumbled across it on our road trip to NC for Thanksgiving, thought I would enjoy it without realizing I’d read it already, and downloaded the audio version for us to listen to on our trip.

Continue reading “Book 974: Boyfriend Material (London Calling #1) – Alexis Hall”


Book 885: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man – James Joyce

Ugh—I should’ve given up while I was ahead, or used the same app I used to slog my way through Ulysses. This was the longest 215 pages of my life.

I actually broke down for the last chapter and found an audiobook version from my local library to listen to at 1.25x speed while sorting data and stuff at work. So, at the very least I can say I enjoyed the Irish accents for that portion of it and the Whaley last name shout out about 75% of the way through 😀

Continue reading “Book 885: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man – James Joyce”