
February Recap 2018

It has been a crazy month in Boston! We’ve had temperatures in the mid 70s (low 20s for you C people), and then have had it snow the next day! Both of the photos to the right are from two of the warmer days.

The top photo was the day it hit nearly 75° and I went for a walk that morning. It was sad to see how gross the harbor walk was and that I couldn’t walk the whole thing.

The bottom photo is from when I went out to do a resume/cover letter workshop with the group my sister works for, it was a beautiful day and by time I left after a few hours most of the snow was gone. I’m honestly surprised I haven’t gotten sick with all of it this year!

In addition we’re getting ready for our move (less than 10 days) and so that has added additional chaos to our lives which we don’t really need, but will be so worth it once I’m sitting on one of the decks in a chair reading a book and sipping a lemonade. Continue reading “February Recap 2018”


2017 and January 2018 Recap

2018.01.14 Far from Boston.JPGIt has been a long time since my last recap and so much has happened.

I’m honestly surprised I’ve managed to keep this little blog going this year. I’m also incredibly proud I keep puttering along at my pace.

I’ve broken this post down into three parts, the first is my stats from 2017, the second is my January recap (seriously abbreviated) and the third is just some personal stuff to share why I haven’t blogged as frequently over the past few months and why there may be delays over the next few months.

Continue reading “2017 and January 2018 Recap”


August Recap 2017

I’m old, time flies and it’s getting faster. We’re 2/3 of the way done with 2017 and I’m still like but what about 2016. I’m not ready for 2018, but it’s coming at me like a freight train so I may as well get ready for it right?

I finally (five months later) got most of my office at work decorated and of course it was bookish themed, see photo above. I have one last blank wall I’m going to put travel detail photos on but I need to get them printed.

Continue reading “August Recap 2017”


July Recap 2017

In case you’ve been under a rock, it’s SUMMER! (In Boston at least!) That means my book list is full of Jane Austen fan-fiction and other random books I grab off the shelf. Weirdly enough though, there are a lot of non-fiction sprinkled in this year.

With the exception of a quick jaunt to Chicago around the 4th, we’ve stayed close to home this month and it has been luxurious! We’ve had a few beach days and Pokéwalks and I’ve had time to “just” read and enjoy the summer. That being said, we’re already trying to figure out what’s going on in the fall and where we’re going on our vacations in 2018. Where does the time go?!

Continue reading “July Recap 2017”


Seven Years

Another year older, another year wiser — or something like that. Going into this year, I didn’t think anything could top last year, but boy was I wrong. Long story short, I’m still here.

I haven’t 100% worked out all the kinks when it comes to blogging, but I feel like I’m making progress back to my normal. Every time I hit schedule or post, I once again start to feel that thrill of the unknown and the limitless potential I used to feel on a regular basis. Somewhere in the last two years, I started to lose that thrill. Overwhelmingly, it was real life weighing me down, growing up sucks.

Continue reading “Seven Years”