
Lunchbreak Interlude VII

Recently on Facebook, I’ve seen this going around:

You are posting on a social network created by an Atheist (Mark Zuckerberg), using an OS created by a Buddhist (Steve Jobs) or an Agnostic (Bill Gates) or maybe an athiest (Linus Torvalds), that is executed through hardware based on the work of an Atheist homosexual (Alan Turing) that works thanks to the electric networks developed by a free thinker (Thomas Edison).

I’m not going to preach or say anything about people’s views or religions (those without preach/proselytize just as much as those with), but I thought it was interesting to think about.  In addition I thought it was pertinent as the next two books I plan to read  Alan Turing, whose 100th birthday is this year.  I plan on reading The Man Who Knew Too Much by David Leavitt, a library book, and The Secret Lives of Codebreakers by by Sinclair McKay, a Net Galley.

I don’t know much about Turing other than he was prosecuted for being gay and took his own life at some point after being chemically castrated.  There are still petitions to the UK Government for an official pardon and apology, but little has come from them.  However, Alan Turing’s legacy in math, codebreaking, computing and artificial-intelligence lives on.  Google recently based on the Turing Machine:

Click here to keep reading.


June 2012 Recap

I don’t have any pictures to start this recap, but there are plenty below (at the end).  June was a slow month on the reading front, but it was incredibly rewarding.  I started (and finished) Anna Karenina and thoroughly enjoyed it (even if it took 21 days to finish).  In addition I completed my re-read of Mansfield Park and read The Bird of Night, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and The Phantom of Pemberley.

Challenge Progress
I made major headway on my challenges as multiple books counted for multiple challenges.  Overall for the year I am 20/31 (65%) on challenges and this past month put me over the 50% level on EVERY 2012 challenge!

  • Mount TBR Reading Challenge
    • May Progress: 2 books
    • Overall Progress – 18/25 (72%)
  • Back to the Classics Challenge
    • May Progress: 2 book
    • Overall Progress – 5/9 (56%)
  • Tea and Books Reading Challenge
    • May Progress: 1 books
    • Overall Progress – 7/8 (89%)
  • The Classics Club
    • May Progress: 3 books
    • Overall Progress – 9/100 (9%)

Random Awesomeness
It was  an interesting month for finding random stuff about books online. I’ve pulled out the three I found to be most exciting/interesting and they are below.

Click here to continue reading.


“The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore”

I found this through Emma over at A World of Randomness and it is truly a beautiful short film. The fantastical whimsy of the short are just enough to tease various emotions (both happy and sad) out of you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! Apparently it is nominated for a 2012 Academy Award and I really hope it wins.


The Joy of Books and The Edinburgh Book Sculptures

This (not sure if the embed is working for anyone else, but it isn’t working on my computer at the moment) was recently shared on Bookshelf Porn and it made me smile this morning. I’m usually loathe to share things I haven’t read, unless it’s within my Monthly Updates, but as I can barely keep myself on track to do those, I thought I should share this immediately.

On a similar note, if you haven’t seen the awesome book sculptures from Scotland, you should check them out In case you haven’t seen them check them out at This Central Station. The dragon is my favorite, of course:

Mysterious paper sculptures
Photo linked from Chris Donia’s Flickr.

A Coming Out Story

“Never believe that the grass is greener on the other side because it’s not. Your grass is green, you just have to look a little harder.”

– Read through a blog that is about a YouTube video.