
Book 784: Fever Pitch (Love Lessons #2) – Heidi Cullinan

Book cover of "Fever Pitch" with Amazon Affiliate linkThis one was a little more of the original Heidi Cullinan I read a few years ago, but a bit more balanced. I figured I may as well finish out the Love Lessons series and they were available from my local library digital download so here we are.

Whereas in Love Lessons, the sex scenes don’t start for some time, they kick off early in this one because the two protagonists hook up after they’ve graduated high school before they head off to college. Similar to book one, you’ve got one more experienced if jaded protagonist, Giles, who’s faced bullying and assault in high school and is dying to get out of town and his hookup Aaron, deeply closeted and dealing with overbearing parents.

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Book 472: In the Lake of the Woods – Tim O’Brien

obrien-tim-in-the-lake-of-the-woodsAdd this to the list of “WTF was I thinking waiting so long to read it?” books. I’m pretty sure I received this book from a former supervisor two jobs ago now. I’ll have to shoot her an email to verify it, but for some reason I have that in my mind. Either way I’m glad I read it and still thinking why it took me so long.

Whoever gave this to me for some reason compared it to Gone Girl, so if you have plans to read that don’t read this review because I’m going to spoil a few big things in that book AND this one. So this is your warning, don’t read anything until the recommendation if you don’t wan spoilers. I’ll keep the spoilers out of the Recommendation because I do think it was a great book and can see why the comparison is made, but I’ll rip the band-aid off and say this one is better 😀 Continue reading “Book 472: In the Lake of the Woods – Tim O’Brien”