Sometimes you just have to hate WordPress. I had an entire post written and apparently the autosave didn’t work so when Firefox crashed I lost it. UGH. This will be a ‘snippy’ post because I’m now grumpy that WordPress didn’t save my stuff and Firefox crashed.
Memorial Day weekend Tom and I drove up to Maine. We stayed with his parents and just relaxed. I didn’t read as much as I wanted to, but I did start (and have since finished) Mansfield Park. the photo to the right is from our last night out by the lake (yes we were making smores), which was spent having a cookout and playing horseshoes (which I’m not great at but did score a few points). It was a lovely weekend and was a much-needed breather from the city.
Book Buying Ban
So I’m going on a book buying ban. I did really well the first part of the year, but in March and April I went a little crazy and ended up with 10-15 (maybe more) new books added to my TBR shelf. So Friday night I decided to go through my shelf to find out how many books are on there and there are 75 book waiting to be read, and this doesn’t even include all of those on my Kindle! Now that’s not a lot of books compared to some people’s lists I’ve seen, but that’s too many for me! I don’t really have the space to have those books just lying around and I don’t think they should just sit there. So no new books for me for a while at least (I’m taking it a month at a time). Hopefully I can make a dent on the shelf – but not all this year.
Challenge Progress
- Mount TBR Reading Challenge
- May Progress: 2 books
- Overall Progress – 16/25 (64%)
- Back to the Classics Challenge
- May Progress: 1 book
- Overall Progress – 3/9 (33%)
- Tea and Books Reading Challenge
- May Progress: 0 books
- Overall Progress – 6/8 (75%)
- The Classics Club
- May Progress: 3 books
- Overall Progress –
6/85 (7%)6/100 (6%)
That’s about it for the month of May. I started to read The Bird of Night by Susan Hill this weekend after finishing Mansfield Park (which is technically June but eh). I also used (only the 2nd time I’ve used it) to pick my next challenge read and it selected Anna Karenina which is part of all three of my 2012 Challenges and The Classics Club.