
July Recap 2015

2015 07-28 Abandoned BoatGoodbye July and Hello August! I don’t necessarily hate the summer, but the heat and humidity always get to me in a way that cold and snow can’t. It’s seriously warmed up here in Boston we’re facing our third 90º+ (32C) day this week and I feel so groggy and slow .

Some of this comes from my finally kicking my butt back into gear and walking again, every step right?!, but the heat is just oppressive, it makes me not want to do anything. On the plus side, spending most of my time in Southie, I do get to walk along the ocean and there’s usually a great breeze so it’s cooler, but it’s still so hot! When this posts I’ve already walked more than 40 miles! Hopefully I can keep it going.

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June 2013 Recap

This month was a weird month when it came to reading. I read four books, two of which were nonfiction and I think that has to do with why I’ve only read four. Of the four, one was a library book and three have been on my TBR shelf for a very long time. I think the two nonfiction books bogged me down a bit, but I did enjoy stepping out of my fiction comfort zone for a change. The coolest thing of the month is the awesome video I stumbled across from the Seattle Public Library which you should watch here.

On a personal note June, for some reason, was a bit of a roller coaster ride for myriad reasons, many of which have nothing to do with me. Hopefully July will be a little less turbulent and I can pretend I’m on vacation for most of it even though I’m working.

Recent Acquisitions

Apparently late spring/early summer is when I go a little crazy with the book buying! Although, considering how crazy I’ve gone at other times this month was nothing. Above you’ll see the totality of my purchases this month. (I didn’t purchase a single Kindle book, for shame Amazon, for shame.) I’m probably most excited about The Enchantress being released in paperback as I now have all six books and I think a re-read is a must. The others I purchased at the Harvard Bookstore Warehouse sale which is always fun. I stuck only to the remainders tables and went with books I thought sounded interesting. We’ll see when I actually get to them how they are.

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