
Q3 & Q4 Recap 2024

This is a VERY quick post to say that I’m slowly on my way back to book blogging. I doubt I’ll ever be as prolific as I was before, but I am slowly getting back into the habit after an almost 6 month break after completing my degree. I didn’t plan to take the break, but I did and now I’m slowly catching up on posts from last year and trying to figure out the future of this blog.

The biggest thing book wise is I’m slowly transitioning from Goodreads to Storygraph! So go add me as I figure it out 🙂

With over 1,000 reviews to clean up, it’s going to be a while. I also have no idea what I’m doing over there, so it’ll be interesting. Along with this I deleted my Twitter/X and Tumblr accounts, I’m streamlining.

Continue reading “Q3 & Q4 Recap 2024”


September Recap 2019

Kicked off the end of August and beginning of September with a long weekend up in Acadia National Park, Maine so thought I’d include a beautiful sunrise photo to wrap up the month.

Work has moved into full speed for the season, so I’m surprised I read as much as I did. I’ve also spent time reading longer articles on my to be read list (aka my Instapaper app), some of which have been there since January! I’m reading plenty of longer pieces (45-90 minutes reading time) and the good part about it is that I’ve read a wide range of articles from (closeted) gay neo-Nazis to millennials as the burn out generation, and weirdly this puts less stress on my goal of reading a nonfiction book every month.

Continue reading “September Recap 2019”


March Recap 2018

That photo to the right pretty much sums up most of March for me.

We had more snow and rain this month than I swear we’ve had in all of last year. The worst part about it was that they were back to back nor’easters with three in three weeks and flooding happened within a mile of our house. If you can’t tell that photo is the ocean high enough up that we can’t make our usual walk around a big loop at Castle Island. There were other parts of the walkway that were flooded but that end bit was the most astounding – usually there’s 5-8 feet from the water to the top of the stone barriers which you can sort of see to the left. This is Head Island on Google Maps – we’re supposed to be able to walk all the way around Pleasure Bay.  Continue reading “March Recap 2018”


July Recap 2016

2016 07-11 South Boston SunsetLet’s start my July recap off with a beautiful photo, to the right of Castle Island in Boston. This was a busy month with lots of family, a lot of busy weekends and a lot to do at work. Thankfully (mostly because of Pokémon Go) I’ve had time to just wander around the city and relax.

If you’re not playing, you probably should be. It’s made me go out when I’ve felt like being lazy and I ended up walking six or seven miles! Not to mention it’s made my morning walks a bit more interactive 😀 There are only two downsides: 1) I’ve spent a lot of time doing it that I would generally be reading; and 2) when you go out for an hour walk and then don’t come home for four or five hours, um yeah. Thankfully my morning walks are very structured so it hasn’t made me late for work or anything like that. Continue reading “July Recap 2016”


CRWM #09: Dr Mütter’s Marvels

CRWM09For episode nine of Come Read With Me, my friend Jess joined me to discuss Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz’ Dr. Mütter’s Marvels: A True Tale of Intrigue and Innovation at the Dawn of Modern Medicine. As usual, there were plenty of tangents including a five-minute tangent (you’re welcome, I edited it from 20) about Jane Austen fan fiction. Maybe I should just turn this into a Come Read Jane Austen with me podcast! (Don’t worry, I won’t.)

I was apparently super fidgety during the recording so I’m super sorry about all the background noise!

Audio Player

Download it here: CRWM #09 (Right Click and “save as.”) Or, better yet, subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher!

Continue reading “CRWM #09: Dr Mütter’s Marvels”