ARC, Books

Book 924: Tell Me Our Story – Anyta Sunday

After reading Anyta Sunday’s adaptations of Jane Austen’s novels I knew I wanted to try one of her other contemporary novels without the Austen framework so when this arrived in my inbox I requested a copy of it.*

Tell Me Our Story is the tale of uptight, heavily burdened Jonathan, who stayed in his hometown to care for his younger sibling (gender-neutral, never clearly stated but doesn’t have to be) after their parents died, and David O’Hara, who fled town when they were younger because of his dad and, as we ultimately learn, Jonathan. They’re in some sort of social media competition and that’s the premise of the novel.

Continue reading “Book 924: Tell Me Our Story – Anyta Sunday”

ARC, Books

Book 923: Lucky Match (Hearts for Hire #1) – Raquel Riley

Nope. Unfortunately, that’s the bulk of my response if you want to skip the overall review. When this landed in my inbox I said yes and had such high expectations because the cover looks well done and the premise was a great idea.* Unfortunately, the execution was lackluster at best.

Lucky Match is the tale of Lucky McGuire, a cocky student who started a dating service near his college campus, and Hayes Brantley, his recently divorced professor who’s decided to lean into his bisexuality and date a man.

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ARC, Books

Book 922: His Heart Knows – Riley Long

Who doesn’t love a best friends-to-lovers bisexual awakening? I know I do, so that’s why I grabbed a copy from Gay Romance Reviews when this landed in my inbox.*

His Heart Knows is the story of Axel, a graduate student book store clerk who comes from the “wrong side of the tracks”, and Sawyer, the golden child following in his parent’s footsteps making his name as an up-and-coming lawyer.

Continue reading “Book 922: His Heart Knows – Riley Long”


Book 917: Lumber Jacked (Rainbow Cove #3) – Annabeth Albert

I snuck this one in on the flight home from Florida. I knew it would be a quick read, but I didn’t realize it was a novella even though it says it on the cover. FAIL.

Lumber Jacked features Johnny, the wood-providing lumberjack mentioned as a friend of Curtis in Tender with a Twist, and Cam, a makeup vlogger who returned to Rainbow Cove to help out his grandmother. Cam mistakes Johnny for a stripper his best friend might’ve sent after a bad day, and the story takes off from there.

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ARC, Books

Book 916: Stronger Than Hope (Chesapeake Days #1) – Katherine McIntyre

I grabbed this one from Gay Romance Reviews because at first I thought it was set in Chesapeake, Virginia, where my sister lives (I really SHOULD start reading the blurbs), but quickly found out it was Maryland.* The other reason was that I apparently was going through a single caregiver phase. This was the third or fourth over a very short period and they just melt my heart every time.

The fact that I am an incredibly stubborn and very fast reader is the primary reason I got through the first few chapters and found that the book, series, and author have a lot of potential, which seems weird as McIntyre has nearly 50 books on Goodreads and you’d think they would’ve polished some of these things already.

Continue reading “Book 916: Stronger Than Hope (Chesapeake Days #1) – Katherine McIntyre”