
Book 984: Two for Trust – Elle Brownlee

I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this review, you can check out my May 2020 response, when I read it twice back-to-back. I decided to re-read this to see if it held up for me and it really did.

More “issues” arose this time around with some stilted dialogue and weird time jumps, but those didn’t detract from my sheer joy at reading it. It’s a tame and totally adorable romance with a little bit of external drama to really make Finch and Benedict get their shit together.

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ARC, Books

Book 982: You’re a Mean One, Matthew Prince (Boy Meets Boy #2) – Timothy Janovsky

As I mentioned in my review of Never Been Kissed, I originally planned to read this but when I found out it was the second in a (now I know unconnected) series, I had to start with the first! Thankfully, my local library had digital copies of both and I was able to download them and jump right in.

The premise of this novel is that the very wealthy Matthew pulls a ridiculous stunt and his parents send him to live with his grandparents for the holidays to let the press cool off and teach him a lesson. There he meets, down-t0-earth scholarship student Hector who has no time or patience for spoiled little rich boy shenanigans.

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Book 981: Never Been Kissed (Boy Meets Boy #1) – Timothy Janovsky

In all honesty, I had no intention of reading this. I didn’t even know it existed, but when I stumbled across You’re a Mean One, Matthew Prince by Janovsky, and realized it was a series (that’s not connected as far as I’m aware) and the library had this one I grabbed it too.

And OMG am I glad I did.

I was a little annoyed at first as this is a bit of a copycat of To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, but queerer and with a lot more humor (or at least my taste in humor). Wren sends emails to his four almost first kisses after a night out and the chaos ensues. After I got over that I was beyond invested because Janovsky was hilarious.

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Book 979: Heartbreak Boys – Simon James Green

I snagged a copy of this book from NetGalley way back in April, but of course, my schedule went off the rails and I ended up missing the review deadline by a few weeks.* I’m glad I kept my copy and finally got around to it though, it was great!

Heartbreak Boys is the story of Jack and Nate. It starts with a coming out, two horrible breakups, cheating, a lot of sass, an Instagram rivalry, and an embarrassingly awkward forced-road trip together. If that doesn’t convince you to read it, the former best-friends patch up and grow closer should!

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ARC, Books

Book 976: Baking Me Crazy (Apple Meadows #2) – Catherine Cloverdale

OOOF. You know when they tell you not to judge/choose a book by its cover? That 100% applies to this one. When this landed in my inbox, I thought, ” Oh, that’s a decently professional cover, the model is attractive, and the font isn’t too amateur,” so I requested a copy.* AND then a few weeks later when I sat down to read it, I realized it was the second book in a series, the first was Apple-y Ever After, by an author that I barely made it through the first because there were so many issues.

So, I thought okay, maybe she hired a copy editor and a proofreader to fix a lot of the minor (but persistent) issues I found throughout, or at the very least read the book out loud so the dialogue was less stilted and the passages flowed naturally.


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