
February Recap 2022

So, February is ALWAYS a short month, but this year it felt like at most 10 days. A good chunk of this was because of a week-long cruise that’s been on hold in some version of another since 2020.

After weighing all of the pros and cons we finally decided to stick with it and I’m glad we did, we both came back 100x more relaxed (except the crazy FLL airport) and warmer than the cold weather and snow in Boston would EVER let us get this time of year.

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January Recap 2022

What a snow month! I’m starting this post with the “dusting” (aka 8-10 inches we got in mid-January and I’ll end it with the two-plus feet we got with the official blizzard this past weekend.

I spent more time knitting (and watching knitting fibercasts) instead of reading, but managed to eke out a few books, including #900 which is still baffling considering I wasn’t sure I’d stick with this thing for even a year, let alone coming up on 12!

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2021 Year-End Recap

Well, year two of the global coronavirus pandemic saw my reading go up even more than it did last year! From the number of books being up by five (thanks MM Romance novels) to the number of pages being up by a little under 3k (thanks big-ass-doorstopper books), it was just a big year.

I highly doubt I’ll see this trend continue between work being busy again and little-to-no commute and knitting taking up a lot of my free time, but never say never right?

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December Recap 2021

What a year! I’m not going to reminisce on yet another year spent in WFH and watching idiots around the country protest things that are designed to keep them safe. And honestly, I’m debating on if I’m going to do my usual Year-End recap (it’s a lot of work!).

I had big intentions of finishing 5 more books than I actually finished and getting them posted before 12/31, but when work gave us an extra week off (even though I had to work for a chunk of it) my schedule and plans got tossed out the window.

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November Recap 2021

No clue where the year has gone, let alone the month. November was insanely busy and full of major happenings that I’ll be reeling from it for quite a while.

The month started out with a visit to the Fiber Festival of New England where I got up close and personal with the animals that produce the fiber I work with when I knit. It was really cool and a lot of fun and I didn’t go too overboard with buying stuff 😀 More photos at the end!

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