
Book 997: Schooling the Jock (Nerds vs Jocks #1) – Eli Easton & Tara Lain

After finishing The Hot Cannolis by Eli Easton and Tara Lain and knowing I didn’t want to jump into a more serious novel. I searched on Kindle Unlimited for a nerd/jock MM Romance and this series popped up. When I noticed the authors, there was no question about reading it so I dove right in.

Schooling the Jock is a twist on your classic enemies to lovers crossed with the nerd/jock trope and I am here for it. On the one hand, you’ve got Dobbs, the head of the university’s quiz bowl team who is openly gay and smart as hell, and on the other, you’ve got Jesse, the school’s prized running back (I think) who happens to be smart as hell and closeted.

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ARC, Books

Book 979: Heartbreak Boys – Simon James Green

I snagged a copy of this book from NetGalley way back in April, but of course, my schedule went off the rails and I ended up missing the review deadline by a few weeks.* I’m glad I kept my copy and finally got around to it though, it was great!

Heartbreak Boys is the story of Jack and Nate. It starts with a coming out, two horrible breakups, cheating, a lot of sass, an Instagram rivalry, and an embarrassingly awkward forced-road trip together. If that doesn’t convince you to read it, the former best-friends patch up and grow closer should!

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ARC, Books

Book 964: The 99 Boyfriends of Micah Summers – Adam Sass

I requested and received this up back in June in a NetGalley binge when I went through and looked at all the upcoming Young Adult LGBT fiction.* I loved the cover and the concept so thought why not? I missed the review deadline by a few weeks even though I started it with plenty of time. Thanks, school and life for getting in the way.

This is the story of Micah, Grant, and Elliot. Micah is the protagonist who has a really popular Insta account where he draws fantastical versions of the boys he crushes on around Chicago. One of those boys ends up being Grant and the first half of the story is Micah trying to find Grant again, his Cinderfella who disappeared off the train. He’s joined by his BFF’s other BFF Elliot, who has his issues but brings joy, light, and support to Micah’s journey.

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ARC, Books

Book 944: The Kingdom of Sand – Andrew Holleran

I wanted to like this book so much like really wanted to, because Holleran is one of those early LGBT authors whose work has stood the test of time for decades. And that’s why I requested a copy from NetGalley.*

What I didn’t expect was how similar to Mrs. Dalloway and A Single Man this would be. I think that bodes well for the longevity of the novel, but unfortunately, for me, it wasn’t the time or place to read it to truly appreciate or enjoy it. While there were some incredibly beautiful passages throughout, I struggled to get into the book and (for the most part) identify with the nameless narrator.

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ARC, Books

Book 921: Remembrance Lost (Tasier #3) – Arian Williams

When this one came in from Gay Romance Reviews I signed up for it since I’d read the first two books in the series (Dream Bound and Souls Aligned).* I wasn’t sure how this one would be after my mediocre response to Souls Aligned, but I grabbed it anyway.

This series is full of secret societies, aliens (I think?!), individuals with supernatural abilities, lots of gay relationships and sex, and really diverse locations/settings. Remembrance Lost definitely picked up on the action front, but in the end, I’m still sort of meh about where the series is.

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