
October Recap 2015

2015 10-31 Frida and the GhostFull steam ahead right? We’re entering the last two months of the year and those are never busy. That last sentence is dripping with sarcasm. Mostly I’m impressed I’m reading anything at all, let alone keeping up with blogging, podcasting and another project that’s in the works. (Not to mention work and friendships and stuff.)

Outside of work it was a busy month full of culture and reading. I’ll talk more about La Bohème and our trip to Wellfleet and Provincetown, MA in the culture corner section. To end the month we went to my friend Caitrin’s house party for Halloween where I dressed as an old fashioned ghost and Tim dressed as Frida Kahlo. Needless to say I’m ready for the cooler weather to stick and to curl up with a book and read, but I don’t know if I’ll have any time to do that this year.

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October Recap 2014

2014 11-01 Happy HalloweeenBetter late than never right? October was long and so were the first two weeks of November. I’m finally getting a bit of a chance to breathe but between now and Thanksgiving I have a big event at work and friendsgiving. Add in that I still have TEN items left on my 30×30 list and you can imagine my stress level is a bit high. On the other hand it hasn’t all been work!

I’ve been able to do a lot and see a lot of friends which is always fun. My best friend from childhood and I went as the same character for Halloween, Tina from Bob’s Burgers (obviously because she’s amazing). I was able to see her when we went down to a wedding in Virginia and I was a happy camper!  Visiting Aile in VA was on my 30×30 list and I also crossed off singing a song at live-band karaoke and getting out of non-student loan debt!

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