
Book 694: A Christmas Cabin for Two – K.D. Fisher

Book Cover of "A Christmas Cabin for Two" and Amazon Affiliate linkThis is the third book . . . Who am I kidding? This is the eighth book in my MM romance book binge starting toward the end of March. If we go back to January 1st, it’s the tenth (excluding young adult and manga). So yeah, it’s been an interesting year so far. [And the understatement of the century goes to . . .]

I grabbed this because time has no meaning any more: 1) It snowed here in Boston this week; 2) When we were driving back from a Costco south of the city there was a Christmas billboard up; 3) earlier on Saturday neither Tim nor I could figure out the date, we were off by 5-ish days; and 4) Tim’s schedule is all sorts of wonky working nights and weekends and I’m working from home for the foreseeable future. So . . . yeah, time has no meaning any more. Why not read a holiday romance in the middle of April?

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Book 693: The Senator’s Secret – K.C. Wells

Book cover of "The Senator's Secret" with amazon affiliate link.After picking up My Fair Brady from one of the daily Kindle emails with e-books on sale and thoroughly enjoying it, I looked into my library’s Dreamspun Desires listings and they had plenty. So, you’re welcome ;-D

I picked up this, A Christmas Cabin for Two and Suddenly Yours to start. I mean I do have 200ish books on my TBR shelf so I couldn’t go too wild (to start). I let Tim pick the next book I read by title and he picked this one (mostly because of the puppies mentioned on the cover) and it just happened to be by K.C. Wells, the same author as My Fair Brady.

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Book 607: Worth Searching For (Heart of the South #2) – Wendy Qualls

I grabbed this, along with eight other romance novels Qualls wrote or co-wrote, when Amazon was having a sale in February. I enjoyed Worth Waiting For and figured why not. They’re usually pretty short, under 200 pages, and engaging enough to read pretty quickly, especially when laying in a lounge chair on a beach/boat.

Like most romance novels the connection between the two is tangential and almost a friend-of-a-friend connection. It doesn’t really bother me, except when I get 3-4 books into a longer series and then I stop and question every new minor character introduction because I’m like ohhhh is that the next one, or ohhhh is it this new person?

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Book 594: River Queens – Alexander Watson

Watson reached out to me about this way back in July of 2017, well ahead of publication. Unfortunately, due to an impossible work-life balance and other random crap I only just now got around to reading it.*

This memoir tells the tale of Watson and his partner, Dale, as they purchase, restore and then travel the rivers from Texas to Ohio by boat. It touches on family, friendship, urbanization, and a bit of politics.

Continue reading “Book 594: River Queens – Alexander Watson”

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Book 246: Unleashing Mr. Darcy – Teri Wilson

Wilson, Teri - Unleashing Mr. DarcyWhat can I say about a book like this? Not only was it giggle inducing and full of fun and even some drama, it was an easy read and left me wanting so much more on the last page! I’m honestly not sure the last time I blazed through an Austen fan-fiction novel as fast as I did with this one. I’m so happy I requested a copy from the publisher and I received no compensation for my response. Unleashing Mr. Darcy will be published on December 31 by Harlequin and EVERYONE should check it out.

So I’ll start out with my biggest concern: I was TERRIFIED this book was going to be yet another S&M/50 Shades effort, but thankfully it was not! I mean seriously, what could I think with the cover art and the title!? Looking back now the title and cover art make perfect sense and would’ve made even more sense if I would’ve re-read the back cover blurb, but oh well the dread only added to the buildup.

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