
June Recap 2021

I am currently sitting poolside in Aruba waiting for the towel hut to open so we can reserve our chairs for the day. It is luxurious.

If things had gone to plan we would’ve been somewhere in Europe right now on a cruise ship, but they didn’t so I’m on this ridiculously beautiful and temperate island averaging a book every other day and getting a seriously nice tan 😀 We also spent a long weekend up in Maine earlier in the month for Tim’s actual birthday, so this month has just been travel travel travel.

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May Recap 2021

Another whirlwind month in what seems to be the waning stages of the pandemic (I’m still not convinced).

After the last-minute trip home for my grandfather’s services, I immediately turned around and got on a plane again to go see Tim’s family in Las Vegas. For the most part the flights felt safe and the hotels/casinos kept people distanced, but it was weird being there as things started to open up! Like the table dividers came down our last day and I was like whoa-whoa-whoa, let’s not go crazy!

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April Recap 2021

Photo of an airplane wing from inside the plane with Atlantic ocean and Boston Harbor Islands in the distanceJust when you think the months can’t get any longer they do, and you’re left with WT actual F. I’m currently on my third flight in three days—I’m just exhausted—and of the three this was the only one actually planned.

My grandfather passed away suddenly last weekend and that required a very quick (less than 36 hours) trip back to NC for the services and to see family. It was stressful and I’m exhausted, but I’m glad I was able to get down see everyone and be there for the service and then get back up again in time to make this flight to go see Tim’s family out west.

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March Recap 2021

Close up of black beans, red, green and orange bell peppers in a slow cooker.What an unexciting month . . . a lot of it probably has to do with a full year of doing the same thing over and over, but it was also just a nice boring predictable month without any surprises.

I mean it’s very telling that the most exciting picture I could find for the month was some delicious taco soup! So, I will take it.

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2020 Year-End Recap

Goodreads year in review showing open book with total pages read (31,372) and total books read (113) in 2020Goodreads really is the worst isn’t it? They did such a good job with the cool graphics last year (see first photo) and then this year they just dropped the ball. And don’t even get me started on some of the ridiculous reviews on there, but that’s less them and more the users. Unfortunately, I still like them better than some of the others so I’m stuck with them for now.

2020 was a fascinating year. We all experienced the pandemic and most of us either didn’t read or read more and I was most definitely in the latter group. I set my standard goal of a book a week and smashed it out of the park this year! It is 100% thanks to the MM Romance spree I went on starting in April and continuing through the 14-book streak at the end of the year!
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