
Book 808: Galaxies and Oceans – N.R. Walker

Book cover of "Galaxies and Oceans" with Amazon Affiliate linkI grabbed this after seeing Annabeth Albert talk about it in either her Facebook group or on her email list. I’ve read quite a bit of Walker and enjoyed her for the most part, but to hear Albert rave about this one I was like “uhhhh, duh I’m going to read it.”

Thankfully Kindle Unlimited had it and I was able to read it sooner rather than later 😀

Galaxies and Oceans starts off with the harrowing journey of Aubrey, running away from his past life  carrying only his grandfather’s telescope and staging his own death in a brush fire, and eventually running into Patrick, a lonely lighthouse keeper dealing with the death of his partner in a storm on a fishing boat a few years prior.

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