So for those of you that have followed The Oddness of Moving Things for a while you’re aware of my personal turmoil or at least aware of the fact that it’s existed over the past year or so. It’s taken a lot to get through the year. I just posted this on Facebook and realized that a lot of it comes from the amazing people I’ve met through here.
It’s amazing where you find yourself year after year: 52 weeks later and I’m happier and healthier than I’ve been in a long time. I’m not as happy or as healthy as I know I’m going to be, but it does go to show that some adages actually are true: time does heal all [emotional] wounds.
So I just wanted to say thank you.
Thank you to those of you who I interact with on a regular basis and even those fleeting few who appear randomly. Just by visiting and interacting with me you’ve given me the confidence and the support to keep this blog going and to better myself mentally, physically and emotionally over the past three years, but especially over the past year.