Random, Updates, Workout Wednesday

10 Months later…

After 10 months of CrossFit and two months of the Couch-to-5k I did a 5k today. That’s a pretty awesome way to spend my first day of my 30th year. (It took us WAY too long to figure that out, I turned 29 yesterday). Here are some awesome pictures:

It was a lot of fun and I finished in 36:49! My original goal was less than 36 minutes but I changed it to less than 40 minutes as I neared the end of the 5k! I ran almost the entire way minus about 20 seconds at the water station and 20 seconds up the very last hill. So I did what I wanted to do and can’t wait until the Rás na hÉireann USA 5k inMarch! 😀

I hope you all have a good holiday season! I’m hoping to get one last review in of War and Peace before the New Year, but no promises.

2014 Challenges, Random, Updates

2014 Challenge Announcement! (Or Not…)

2014 Books

(Don’t you love the image?!?! I found the book image via Google and then I made the overlap—I am art!)

If you haven’t noticed I have been missing again for a while. I’m slowly working my way through Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace as my final 2013 Challenge Read and am (surprisingly) thoroughly enjoying it.

I’ve known for a while I wouldn’t do any challenges next year, but I hadn’t officially decided until recently. I feel bad abandoning the three challenges I’ve done for two years now, but I think I need the distance and freedom to read what I want when I want without restrictions other than those I put on myself. So far the only thing I’ve decided to read next year are more library books, re-read a few books that I haven’t made time for in years and just to have fun. In addition to the no challenges I am currently debating on the format my blog will take in 2014 but won’t make any major decisions until I do my 2013 recap.

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November 2013 Recap

And just like that November is gone. I’m still trying to figure out where September and October went, let alone November! I will say having a major event at work this month really helped to keep me distracted, but then all of a sudden I had so much free time I honestly got lost not knowing what to do with myself. As Heather pointed out I disappeared for a while. I skipped Culture Corner, Workout Wednesday and The Classics Club Monthly Meme and even let five reviews/responses back up. I clearly needed a break and it was great, but I’m slowly catching up, so sorry for the plethora of posts this past week!

Part of my relaxation and not knowing what to do with myself resulted in my learning how to crochet! I can only do one stitch but I’ve made a midget scarf, a real scarf (it’s a little short still, but I made it really wide…whoops) and have started a third scarf for a friend.

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October 2013 Recap

What a month. Not only was I sick for a portion of it, but I ran phonathon at work, I travelled back to NC for my 10-year high school reunion, and have set up everything for a HUGE event on November 6th.

While all of this was going on the Boston Book Festival made its annual appearance in Copley Square. To be honest, I was so busy and so sick that I just couldn’t get excited about the Festival this year. Add in that there were no authors or panels that I HAD to see, so after coaxing myself down to the area I did a quick walk around and then abandoned it and went and had coffee with a friend I hadn’t seen for a while. I did however, get a discount on an AWESOME new t-shirt from Litographs. I wanted B&W but they sent a dark green, but that’s okay.

As you can see it is Wuthering Heights. I’m not sure how much of the text is on there, but there is quiet a bit on there. If you don’t know about my love for Wuthering Heights, you should check out the two awesome versions I’ve found over the past few years that I’ve got and have now started keeping an eye out for here and here.

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September 2013 Recap

I honestly thought doing monthly recaps might make the year go buy significantly slower, but boy was I wrong. Every time I go to write one of these my first thought is holy hell where did _______ go? And this month’s post is no different. I’m trying to figure out where summer and September went and what I’m going to do knowing October, November and December are going to be even busier!

2013 09-19 Finally Reading RowlingOn the reading front, I had a fun month. I didn’t read a single challenge book and don’t feel any guilt at all. I read what I wanted when I wanted and thoroughly enjoyed it, including FINALLY getting around to reading Rowling’s The Cuckoo’s Calling. (Which was great and I can’t wait until another is released!) I read a total of ten books and two short stories. Of those SEVEN were from the library and three were galleys. I think my favorite read of the month was Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake triology: Oryx and CrakeThe Year of the Flood, and MaddAddam. I went and saw Ms. Atwood speak and thoroughly enjoyed it, but I’ll recap that in this month’s Culture Corner. The trilogy and hearing her speak once again reminded me how much I love her and I think I’m going to make an effort to finish reading her other novels I haven’t read yet.

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