
September and October Recap 2016

2016-09-06-event-design-at-homeIt has been a LONG two months. I didn’t even realize I forgot my September recap until half way through October. So you get a half-assed double month recap 😀

I had my first major event in September at my new job and it went really well. We had over 230 people attend and it was an absolutely stunning location. Those posters in the photo were actually really cool backlights. They are printed on transparency type paper and then light put in behind them and they glow really nicely. I should’ve gotten a photo of them.

Continue reading “September and October Recap 2016”


August Recap 2016

2016 08-07 Working OutThe big news of the month is that I’ve achieved my 31 day goal of meeting my exercise, move and stand goals on my Apple watch! It’s not at all book related, but I’m excited because I’m slowly getting back into the habit of walking every day.

I’ve somehow managed to balance this with reading (six books this month), work offices moving to a new location, and two trips out to Tanglewood to see the Boston Pops and the Boston Symphony Orchestra perform. I don’t know if I’m going to keep it up because honestly at some point in the first few days of September I’m taking a rest day, or at least an easy day. I’m pretty sure I can hit all my goals without having to go on a two(+) mile walk but I’m not 100% sure. But what you’re all really here for is the books, so on to the books! Continue reading “August Recap 2016”


July Recap 2016

2016 07-11 South Boston SunsetLet’s start my July recap off with a beautiful photo, to the right of Castle Island in Boston. This was a busy month with lots of family, a lot of busy weekends and a lot to do at work. Thankfully (mostly because of Pokémon Go) I’ve had time to just wander around the city and relax.

If you’re not playing, you probably should be. It’s made me go out when I’ve felt like being lazy and I ended up walking six or seven miles! Not to mention it’s made my morning walks a bit more interactive 😀 There are only two downsides: 1) I’ve spent a lot of time doing it that I would generally be reading; and 2) when you go out for an hour walk and then don’t come home for four or five hours, um yeah. Thankfully my morning walks are very structured so it hasn’t made me late for work or anything like that. Continue reading “July Recap 2016”


Six Years

2016 07-22 Six YearsIt’s hard to believe that six years ago this past Wednesday (July 20), I wrote this awkward post and began this crazy book blogger journey. I’ve re-read some of the earlier posts recently and wow have I grown as a blogger 😀

I’m not doing any stats this year. It’s been a long year with a lot of changes and I’m proud I’ve kept The Oddness of Moving Things going.

I don’t know how long I’ll keep going, but I have the idea of 10 years or 1,000 books in my head. That could just be exhaustion talking, but you never know?

Thanks for a wonderful six years, it wouldn’t be worth it without all the fabulous interactions everyone in the Book Blogging community provides!


June Recap 2016

2016 06-29 Walking AgainI’d say where did June go, but it’s pretty obvious when you spend two weeks out of the country and then two weeks playing catch up!

We had a great time in China and then spent almost a week readjusting to being at work and back on Eastern Standard Time.

I’ve tried my best the last two weeks to keep up the walking that happened on vacation. We walked upwards of five miles every day, even when we were on the three-day river cruise! The first week I didn’t walk much, but this week I’ve managed to hit my step goal every day which is great for me as it’s been too long since I’ve done that!

Continue reading “June Recap 2016”