
January Recap 2019

This was actually a nice normal month. It didn’t feel like it flew by and it didn’t feel like it dragged either. Maybe this means I’ve started to find equilibrium in life?

We started off the month with a Macaroon class at our local Sur La Table and I was very impressed with our product. I can’t wait to try at home now I know basically everything we could do wrong we did last time we tried.

Books and Bookish Things
I finally finished the tome that is Adam Tooze’s Crashed. I started it back in November and slowly worked my way through the last decade of world politics, financial news, and their interconnectedness. After that I basically moved into the library with the next five books on my list all coming in from being on hold or my grabbing them when I went to pick up the others 😀

Continue reading “January Recap 2019”


2018 Year-End Recap

Another calendar year gone and six more months toward 9 years of The Oddness of Moving Things. Now that my last books of 2018 have posted I’m ready to share my stats for the year.

It was yet another crazy busy year in my personal life and I’m not sure it will ever slow down again. After taking some time off and starting a new job at the very end of December that has a lot of long term viability I’m hoping at least my professional life will stabilize, allowing me to READ MORE BOOKS! Now on to the numbers.

Continue reading “2018 Year-End Recap”


November and December Recap 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’m not sure how, but somehow I actually got this scheduled to post New Year’s Day! Sure it’s a (late) recap of November and December 2018 and you’ll have to wait another week or so for my full 2018 look back, but I’m still impressed 😀

I wish I spent New Year’s Even in a hot tub, but alas I did not. I actually spent the first weekend in December in a hot tub, because I quit my job and we spent a long weekend in snow-covered New Hampshire. Have you ever seen a more relaxed faced? Mine hasn’t been that relaxed in a long time! Quitting was the right thing to do and later in December I received a new job offer which I am VERY excited about. But the leaving my job and gearing up for a new one were once again responsible for my slow reading and non responsiveness in November/December, but I’m slowly getting back into things.

Continue reading “November and December Recap 2018”


August, September and October Recap 2018

I’ve put off posting this since August 1. I actually had a draft scheduled for September 3, and again for both October 1 and November 2. And yet here we are almost two full weeks into November and It’s just now being posted.

When I started this post the first line was: Good Bye Summer/not really damn weather. Now it’s more like holy hell the cold has arrived (not really, but it was below freezing the morning I wrote this). I’m going to keep it pretty simple so I can just get this thing posted. I do have the last two books queued up but am spreading them out over the next two weeks so I at least get a post a week. Continue reading “August, September and October Recap 2018”


July Recap 2018

We are done traveling (long haul at least) for the summer! I know most people would not be as excited about this as I am, but it is exhausting.

I put a photo recap down below under books and bookish things because most everything we saw was connected to books, except for my friend’s wedding. We drove over 24 hours in total while we were visiting and it was awesome because we saw parts of the country I’ve never seen except by train or plane. The above photo is our full trip with a photo of our northern post point Ben A’an and our southern most point Brighton.

We did so many bookish things that I’ll just include a slide show below and put a caption explaining what they are rather than write them all out. We didn’t even set out to do that many it just happened (mostly because Tim told me this was our last trip to the UK for some time). Continue reading “July Recap 2018”