It’s finally starting to feel like Spring again here in Boston. We really thought winter would never end and after the flooding last month we didn’t think the city would ever dry out either!
I’m still trying to figure out where April went, but with a big even at work, PAX East, finishing unpacking and the weather starting to clear up it’s no wonder it flew by.
The best part of the month was probably that we got to spend a couple of afternoons on our deck and in the words of Tim, “We’re deck people now.” May will probably be just as busy with a friend visiting at the beginning of the month, graduation at work, and then prepping for our summer trips.
Books and Bookish Things
Sometimes I forget where I live and how much history is here and then I look up and I see things like the Boston Public Library. The BPL is the oldest large public library and it’s just so majestic in the middle of the busy Back Bay.
I was surprised I read as many books as I did this month with the event! I really enjoyed The Age of Innocence, like way more than I thought I would. It has made me want to read some of Wharton’s other works which include Ethan Frome which is on my Classic’s Club list. Now for what I read this month, apart from The Age of Innocence:
Somewhat related, I mean some ridiculous portion of this blog is dedicated to Austen, I found this game at the PAX East convention this month! [Bonus photo at the end of the post.] I convinced my friends to play with me and it was actually quite fun. I bought the newer edition and can’t wait to try it!
I was very proud of myself, I didn’t accept a single galley/ARC this month. I did tell off one author for asking me multiple times to review his book even though I responded to his email saying no thank you. How hard is it to keep an excel sheet with responses? I also reposted my Dear Authors and Book Bloggers post because what I received multiple emails from a new group of people recreating NetGalley that were not doing a great job at the emails. It’s called PROFESSIONALISM PEOPLE!
These were the two social media posts that made me happy this month(ish):
Culture Corner
It was a busy month on top of the reading and our Spring Gala at work!
One random night I finally put together my Lego Architecture London skyline! I want to eventually get all the one’s we’ve been to including New York, Chicago and Shanghai. (I’ll also probably get the Sydney one in hopes I’ll get there eventually!) In addition to PAX East and my random Lego building, we went and saw this awesome exhibit at the Museum of Science: Numbers in Nature (Museum of Science link), but the coolest part of the exhibit was the Mirror Maze. The first two photos are from that and the final one is just a cool one I took in part of their permanent area:
It was SOOOO cool. That middle picture shows how trippy it was when there was no one visible. It didn’t take up that much space and felt so much bigger than it was.
What’s Next?
I’m making more progress on my ARC/Galleys. I think I only have six physical and one digital left. I just finished Thriving Through Uncertainty on the 1st and I’m going to take a break from galleys to read the third book in Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series, The Wasteland. My best friend is visiting the second week of May so that’ll be fun too!
Has it warmed up where you are? Are you as excited as I am to get outside in the spring weather?

If you haven’t read The House of Mirth yet, I highly recommend it. It’s my favourite Wharton.
Coworker highly recommends it too!
Love the Lego London skyline! We spend a lot of time shopping for/looking at Legos and those architecture kits always tempt me, but I haven’t caved yet.
Did you see that Reese Witherspoon just named If You Think It, I’ll Say It as her May book club selection, and that her production company is making a TV series based on the stories? I saw that and went back to read your review again. 😁
I enjoyed the LEGO’s a lot more than I thought I would. They’re a little expensive but I got it on sale.
I didn’t see that about the book! I’ll have to check it out, I think they’d be interesting adaptations for screen.
Not sure I’ll make it to any of the PAX’s this year. I really do enjoy them, though.
Sounds like a great month! It’s finally getting warm here too, and I’m so very ready for some sunny days.
Those mirror maze photos are great.
This was my first PAX in a long time and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
If that photo is of your deck then I am envious… I jet washed and then stained our decking area yesterday in preparation for summer but British weather being as fickle as it is, how much I get to use it is a big unknown. Some years summer here just means grey skies. On the basis of your positive reaction to Wharton I added Age of Innocence to my classics club list. So if I dont like it I know who to blame 🙂
Haahaa I hope you like it! And yes that’s our deck (one of them). Its crazy how much color I’ve already gotten from the couple of times I’ve sat out there.
One of them! Oh come on now you are making me feel even more dissatisfied
Spring has finally sprung here in Mid Wales too! I’m loving the Lego London skyline… Last month I was building Lego dinosaurs and campervans for my nephew 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and commenting! We’ve looked at some other legos but have stuck with this for now.
You have such a lovely deck! It looks like a great place to enjoy the weather. I’m very excited that it finally feels like spring. I haven’t had much time to take advantage of it (my job gets busier in dark political times), but I’m enjoying it as much as I can.
It is wonderful! I can’t wait to spend more time out there over the next few months. 🙂
Oh yes Geoff, the weather has finally warmed up here in the UK. I am typing to you from my sunny garden 😀 It sounds like April was a great month for reading, socialising and events for you. Here’s to more deck time in May!
Oh glad to hear it’s warming up over there! We’re back for another wedding this year but later in the summer so fingers crossed it’s a nice summer.
Yes, fingers crossed! Whereabouts is the wedding?
South of London at a vineyard, we’ll be traveling north when we fly in and then making our way down.
Ooo lovely!