Talk about a pertinent novel. Outdated is a hilarious commentary on internet dating and what it’s like when you’ve been out of the game for a long time. I received a copy of this from the publisher in return for my honest opinion.
After the two main characters, Greg and Tim, split up, unceremoniously, Greg finds out just how much has changed in the dating world. There is such an endearing scene where Greg calls a friend and points at the chat room that he used to meet guys through and says “they’re all gone!” If you’re not aware of location-based dating, you’re either happily coupled, a technophobe or living under a rock! There are so many of them out there that I’m not going to link to them and their proliferation was exponential with the increase of smart phones!
I couldn’t help but identify with Greg, especially when I read,
“I even thought about going out to a club, but when I got to the door, the music just felt so loud and all I wanted to do was come back home and curl up with a good book. I feel so outdated.”
And add in a bit of hopeless romanticism and you’ve got a quick romantic read. As much as the book was about internet/location-based dating, it was also a “you never know where you’ll meet your next partner” type book. I won’t say what happens, but it was an adorable story and I flew through it.
Recommendation: Definitely worth a read, it’s quick and seriously adorable. The characters are well written and the story is definitely timely.
Opening Line: “Greg, it’s not what it looks like.”
Closing Line: “I eventually did meet Maxine, but that is a story for another day.” (Whited out.)
That’s exactly how I feel when I think about going out to clubs now. Haha! Nah, just give me fuzzy pajamas and a book and I’m good, thanks.
Yup. Ive felt that way for way too long. I’m going to make a great old curmudgeon one day.
We can be old curmudgeons together. Hee!
Aw, this sounds really cute! I’m with you and Heather – give me a book and pjs over a club any day 🙂
I think most of us would 🙂