To be completely honest this book was a waste of time for me. It had so much potential going into it, but I didn’t realize how short it was. I will say that if I had paid for a copy of this book, or waited for a long time on a hold list I would have been that much more disappointed than I was. However, I received a copy of Good Boy from the publisher and received no compensation for my honest opinion of the work.
What bothered me about this book was that it seemed to be a hold over until the next book in the series could be released. And this wouldn’t have bothered me anywhere near as much, but the story brings up quite a few things that I assume are answered in a later story in the series, but why bring them up now in 77 pages, why not write a longer book? I would rather have waited much longer and had this book fully fleshed out, rather than be subjected to the short-story/novella form of this book in its current format.
Other than the length of the publication I have very little to complain about. The story itself was engaging and provided a good contrast to Sweet Young Thang, but there could’ve been more integration of the two stories. (This is a single universe after all.) The sex scenes were incredibly well done and engaging, as Tenino’s always are, but as I mentioned above there were a few things lacking from this novel, mostly the connection to events which I assume will be explained later.
Recommendation: Skip this one, unless you’re really in love with Brad and Sebastian from Frat Boy and Toppy. This might change if there is an additional book which ties up the loose ends from this novella, but if there isn’t another book in the series, I’d still say pass on this one.
Opening Line: “Sebastian hadn’t taken a break for hours.”
Closing Line: “‘Good boy,’ Sebastian whispered against his lips.” (Whited out.)
Um…hi, dude on the cover.
Haahaaa – I do like the cover guys, but they’re all too perfect and too airbrushed. I like my men a little more quirky and a little more imperfect (less to live up to :-D).
In real life, I do, too. The covers are just eye candy. Haha!