
Book 985: Crooked Tree Ranch (Montana #1) – R.J. Scott

Book cover of "Crooked Tree Ranch" with Amazon Affiliate linkI swear I’ve either read this book before or read something very similar to it. I checked the publication date and it was after I started the blog and was documenting every book. So I’m not sure why this and the second book were SO FAMILIAR. Or maybe I started it and didn’t finish it so it never made it to my list, but either way, it was really eerie reading the first two in this series.

I grabbed this series from Kindle Unlimited right before our February trip to the Dominican Republic. I knew I didn’t want to read non-fiction because school is so full of it now and nothing on my shelf spoke to me, so here I ended up.

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ARC, Books

Book 849: One Trick Pony (Clyde’s Corner #3) – Eli Easton

Book Cover of "One Trick Pony" with Amazon Affiliate linkNow, a novella and a book later, I’m able to read and write about the book that drew me into wanting to read the series 😀 I first saw this one come into my inbox from Gay Romance Reviews, but ended up not requesting it because Kindle Unlimited is a gem and I figured I would be able to get to it in my own time. Well that time happened sooner than expected and here we are.

The blurb of this one drew me in with bad-boy Henry from A Prairie Dog’s Love Song having cleaned up his act and started working for Joshua and Ben on the ranch and his awkward interactions with Ben’s friend and former gay-for-pay (but actually gay) porn coworker Micah. I mean come on how was I NOT going to read this one?

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Book 848: The Stolen Suitor (Clyde’s Corner #2) – Eli Easton

Book Cover of "The Stolen Suitor" with Amazon Affiliate linkSo, Easton can tell a story that’s NOT a MM Holiday Romance 😀 I mean, I knew this was true, she clearly has dozens of other works out there, but somehow the only two I’ve read from her were both Holiday Romances.

Going into this one my first instinct that Easton bit off more than she could chew with two parallel romances happening at the same time. I wasn’t 100% correct, but I do think there were some weaknesses in the book because she ultimately split the story line and there were so many subplots.

Continue reading “Book 848: The Stolen Suitor (Clyde’s Corner #2) – Eli Easton”