
Book 598: Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare (Bob’s Burgers #2) – Adam Beechen, Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, John McNamee, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington

These really are great palate cleansers! We bought this one when we bought Bob’s Burgers: Volume 1 on our trip to NYC this past January. We got a third one and I ordered the remaining two when we got home, so I’m looking forward to reading the rest. I can definitely see an improvement in the stories and the sections of these issues bound together. They’re tighter, funnier, and more on character than those in Volume 1.

The two biggest changes in these issues (and thus this volume) were Bob and Linda’s. Bob’s got better, he designed food truck ideas, and Linda’s got worse, her’s were now just family photo attempts. Tina and Louise’s sections each had standout pieces, but Gene’s takes the gold in this collection.

Continue reading “Book 598: Bob’s Burgers: Medium Rare (Bob’s Burgers #2) – Adam Beechen, Loren Bouchard, Ben Dickerson, Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, John McNamee, Mike Olsen, Mark Von Der Heide, and Anneliese Waddington”


Book 596: Bob’s Burgers: Volume 1 (Bob’s Burgers #1) – Chad Brewster, Jeff Drake, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, and Mike Olsen

Tim found the first three when we swung by Midtown Comics in NYC with an hour to kill before seeing Wicked. I’m looking at these as palate cleansers between the other books I’m reading. I don’t give major reviews of these, because there isn’t a lot to review. Each issue, of which there are four or five in each of these collections, in general consists of five parts: Tina’s Erotic Friend Fiction, Bob’s section, Louise’s Unsolved Mysteries and Curious Curiosities, Linda’s section, and Gene Belcher Presents. Linda and Bob’s sections changed (or were left out) between this first collection and the second, so I’m not sure what to call them.

Continue reading “Book 596: Bob’s Burgers: Volume 1 (Bob’s Burgers #1) – Chad Brewster, Jeff Drake, Rachel Hastings, Justin Hook, and Mike Olsen”


Book 561: Romancing Miss Brontë – Juliet Gael

I feel like I may have read this before, but if I did it was in my first year of blogging when I missed a few books in my reviews. Who knows, maybe I’m just so familiar with the Brontë’s story that it’s just become known to me.

Overall, I enjoyed this read and felt Gael did a great job embodying all of the Brontës, but I’m not sure how accurate the title was. It’s a little misleading in that I feel like more of the book should’ve come from Arthur Bell Nicholls’ perspective rather than from third person omniscient (I think)/Charlotte. Maybe a better title would’ve been The Romance of Miss Brontë or The Brief Romances of Miss Brontë, something that takes the emphasis from who the narrator would be. But blah, I’m sure this is just me. I had an issue with the last title I read too 😀 Continue reading “Book 561: Romancing Miss Brontë – Juliet Gael”

ARC, Books

Book 554: Grief Works – Julia Samuel

When the publicist reached out with a copy of this, I wasn’t sure I was ready after my mother’s death at the end of last year.* They reached out within the first couple of weeks and I was so caught up in dealing with everything you have to deal with from a planning and organization perspective that comes with death, that I wasn’t even really thinking about the physical and emotional perspectives. Ultimately, I said yes thinking I would eventually need something like this, but not sure when.

When we packed for our trip to Mexico I threw it in our bag, I figured what better place to open up the emotional turmoil than on a beautiful beach hundreds of miles away from everywhere to start processing things. And that’s sort of what happened, but not really. Continue reading “Book 554: Grief Works – Julia Samuel”


Book 539: The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue (Guide #1) – Mackenzie Lee

After seeing this over and over being the darling of the book blogosphere and reading the rave reviews of it I figured I should check it out. I read a lot of LGBT literature, a lot of young adult literature, and quite a bit of adventure literature so I thought why not. And although I wasn’t completely disappointed, I was genuinely underwhelmed and for once it wasn’t the mood I was in. I’ll start with the not-so-great and finish with what I enjoyed.

I’m a finicky reader at best and have curated a pretty good system of choosing the books I read, including taking into account books that fellow bloggers who have similar tastes to me read, but this one just didn’t click for me quite like others have. I kept to my usual style of not reading anything about the author or the book after I decided I want to read it. [Generally I get excited about a book/author and purchase/reserve something by them and then I let it sit for a while so that I can clear my palate.]

Continue reading “Book 539: The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue (Guide #1) – Mackenzie Lee”