Reading Events

The Literary Others – Giveaway – Winners!

And here they are, the winners of the first ever The Oddness of Moving Things giveaway!

There were only nine entries for both prizes (I know you’re all hanging your heads in shame for not entering…such good odds). Six for the Amazon gift certificate and three for the Book Depository books.

I used to select the winners and they were #3 for the Amazon gift certificate, who just happened to be the awesome Heather at Between the Covers, who I know is going to buy books that I’m just going to end up having to buy; and oddly enough chose #3 a second time (1-3 instead of 1-6) and the winner was Beth of Too Fond who selected The Perks of Being a Wallflower and Boy Meets Boy, BOTH of which I desperately want to read!

Congratulations to the two winners and thanks to everyone who entered! I can’t wait to read all of your blogs and learn more about you. Check back tomorrow for my post response to Damian McNicholl’s A Son Called Gabriel.

Meme, The Classics Club

The Classics Club – October 2012 Meme

The Classics Club moderators have once again out done themselves with something deceptively simple. This month’s theme is “Why are you reading the classics?” Simple right? Not so much.

I could give my gut responses: I’ve not read very many, those few I have read were required reading for school and I’ve had a bunch on my to-read list for ages. And although these are true, they’re not the whole picture.

I only started book blogging in 2010 but have been always been a reader. In High School I read hundreds of Star Wars and fantasy novels; in college I obsessed over Harry Potter, LGBT and southern fiction; after college I started to read a lot more British/Irish fiction. And although I read quite a few ‘classics’ within those genres, I never read The Classics other than those for school requirements (at too young of an age).

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Reading Events

The Literary Others – Giveaway!

And here it is – The Oddness of Moving Things very first giveaway! I’ve been debating on doing a giveaway ever since I reached 100 followers on WordPress, 1000 comments (a lot are my own) and for surpassing my 60 book Goodreads goal. Luckily they all roughly coincided with the awesome October LGBT Reading Event hosted by Adam at Roof Beam Reader! I hope that you’ll use the giveaways to purchase an LGBT related book, but it’s not a requirement. If you’d like a suggestion I’m sure I could provide one or two (or a hundred) for you. So without further ado, the announcement, the rules and the form are below…

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Reading Events

The Literary Others – Kick Off Post

As I mentioned earlier this month, I am joining Adam of Roof Beam Reader in his event The Literary Others for the month of October. I also mentioned I would be hosting my first giveaway which I am very excited about (and a little stressed about whether anyone will enter). It won’t be a huge giveaway, but there will be a bonus if you’re signed up for the event!

Earlier in September I wasn’t sure what I would be reading or in what order, but I have determined this already for two reasons: 1) So I can read them and get my posts written ahead of time; and 2) because as I mentioned in my September Recap on Saturday I am starting a new job mid-October. (Thankfully I’ll have a week off which should give me some cushion to read and get posts ready for the end of the month!)

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2012 Challenges, Books, Quotes

Book 140: Kafka on the Shore – Haruki Murakami

You’ll have to excuse the language, but this book was a mind f*ck. Now, don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean it was bad, it is actually one of the best written books I’ve read this year, but my brain hurts trying to process the novel.

A friend in the UK recommended this book to me and I only just now got around to reading it and thus it counts for my Mount TBR Challenge (22 of 25).

I did a brief cursory search to see if I should save this novel for the Literary Others event in September and I should have with the amazing character Oshima, but I’m glad I didn’t. At one point he says this and it boggled my mind at how awesome he is. I mean there were a lot more awesome things, especially as to the reveal which happens pretty late in the book, but still definitely a great character. Click here to continue reading.