2013 Challenges, Books

Book 208: The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society – Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows

I didn’t want this book to end and that’s really all I want to write for this review, but I’ll harp on for a good while I’m sure. I’m sad that it’s over but happy that I read it. The ending made me both smile for the cuteness of it, but also made me sad it was finished! I wanted to know so much more about the characters and the stories and everything! There was just so much left unanswered, but not really because we’re left on the precipice of the amazing post-World War future. I bought a copy of this back in April of 2012, so it counts as a bonus book for my Mount TBR challenge.

Two things stood out for me in this book and those are the multitude of unique voices for the numerous characters and their point of views and the fact this was a World War II novel without the war taking the role of protagonist or overshadowing everything else.

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2013 Challenges

2013 Challenges – Halfway Checkpoint

So rather than doing three individual halfway checkpoints for my 2013 Reading Challenges I thought I would tie them all together and then do the same thing for the remaining quarterly check in. Overall, I’m pleased with my progress. I’ve read 8 of a total of 14 books (57%) and have read an additional 10 books not listed. I’m definitely struggling with challenges this year, as I knew I would when I signed up, even with such a small number. As of now I have no intentions of abandoning any challenges, but we’ll see how the next few months go. Click here to continue reading.

Meme, The Classics Club

The Classics Club – June 2013 Meme

Classics ClubFor June the hosts of The Classics Club have another member submitted question asking “What is your favourite opening sentence from a classic novel (and why)?”

For once, I don’t have any real issues with this question; the only problem though is how do I narrow down the great opening lines? I am going to add a self-imposed limit as I have done in the past to keep the focus on The Classics Club and only choose from the 24 books I’ve read so far for the group. This allowed me to revisit my posts and relive some great novels, plus it kept me from choosing some obvious fun and more contemporary classics like The Hobbit or Harry Potter or pretty much anything by Margaret Atwood. The quote I chose I don’t know if it’s my favorite, but it has by far had the most impact on my reading over the past few years:

“You better not tell nobody but God. It’d kill your mammy.”

If you didn’t recognize it, it is from Alice Walker’s The Color Purple. And the first time I read that line I got chills. Even now I get an eerie feeling because I know what’s happening and what happens next, but even without knowing you know it’s not something good.


May 2013 Recap

I guess what they say about time moving faster as you get older really is true. I feel that every time I sit down to write my monthly recap I always wonder where the month went regardless of if it was short or long month. Regardless it was a busy month on the blog and in the real world. I somehow managed to stick with my post schedule of every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and had 95% of all the posts written at least three days in advance so whoop for that! That planning ahead helped me with my first Culture Corner and Work Out Wednesday posts and I’m already looking forward to getting started on June’s posts.

2013 05-18 Graduate Leigh!In addition, the planning ahead helped for when my entire family was in town for my younger sister’s graduation from her Master’s program (that’s her to the right). While they were in town I played host and tour guide for five days in a row and we went to numerous restaurants, touristy places, museums and even to see Pirates of Penzance at the American Repertory Theatre. But as soon as they were all gone I wound up with a stomach virus and spent two days in bed which stunk, but at least I’m feeling better now and was able to get to work by the end of the week just in time for another four-day weekend. And as if things weren’t busy enough as it is, when this posts I’ll be running around work slightly crazy trying to help the alumni relations team as work is hosting the 2013 reunion classes the weekend of the 1st and it’s going to be an awesome weekend full of all sorts of exciting activities and events! Click here to continue reading.

Meme, The Classics Club

The Classics Club – May 2013 Meme

For May the hosts of The Classics Club have asked members to “Tell us about the classic book(s) you’re reading this month. You can post about what you’re looking forward to reading in May, or post thoughts-in-progress on your current read(s).”

And as usual I have to pick a point of contention, mostly just because I’m a pain in the ass, but think about the wording of the question. It really only works if you answer the meme early in the month or if you predominately read classics. By time this posts I will have finished, and hopefully posted about one classic +and have finished reading two (Truman Capote’s Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Gertrude Stein’s The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, which isn’t even part of my Classics Club list) and will hopefully be part of the way through a third, The Canterbury Tales among other books I’ve read this month.

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