
May Recap 2022

May did NOT fly by even though we spent a long weekend in North Conway, NH for our 8th anniversary and flew to Texas at the end of the month for graduation parties. Add in that work picked up with the end of the fiscal year coming up fast and school starts the first week of June, I’m trying to figure out how it felt like a regular full-length long-ass month.

I got a lot of knitting done, more on that later, and read SO many books. I’m ready for summer, but not really ready for the heat so we’ll see how long that lasts.

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April Recap 2022

We had a busy month full of hiking, travel, and knitting.

We kicked the month off by flying to Dallas for a family wedding and got to spend time with all of Tim’s family, but most importantly the niblings. It was great to see everyone, but what a whirlwind trip. We also had a bit of free time the day before the wedding and got to experience the Main St Fort Worth Arts Festival and Fort Worth Art Fair (hilariously even met an artist from Western Mass that we had a piece shipped home from).

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March Recap 2022

March is gone and April is moving even faster. I’m not sure how it’s already the sixth but here we are. I’m sitting in an airport to fly to Texas for a wedding and just now catching my breath to be able to blog my recap.

March was really jam-packed from my celebrating my getting into the Harvard Graduate School of Education (see fun photo at the end) and a friend’s new job to hiking part of the Blue Hills. I also taught myself how to do color work knitting and we brought back date night. And this doesn’t even start to cover how busy I’ve been at work recently.

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December Recap 2021

What a year! I’m not going to reminisce on yet another year spent in WFH and watching idiots around the country protest things that are designed to keep them safe. And honestly, I’m debating on if I’m going to do my usual Year-End recap (it’s a lot of work!).

I had big intentions of finishing 5 more books than I actually finished and getting them posted before 12/31, but when work gave us an extra week off (even though I had to work for a chunk of it) my schedule and plans got tossed out the window.

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November Recap 2021

No clue where the year has gone, let alone the month. November was insanely busy and full of major happenings that I’ll be reeling from it for quite a while.

The month started out with a visit to the Fiber Festival of New England where I got up close and personal with the animals that produce the fiber I work with when I knit. It was really cool and a lot of fun and I didn’t go too overboard with buying stuff 😀 More photos at the end!

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