Bringing the Bob’s Burgers comic adaptation to a close with issues 13-16, Bob’s Burgers: Char-broiled was kind of disappointing. I think there were other continuations through the free comic book day issues, but this was the last trade paperback anthology.
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Tag: Parody
Book 616: Bob’s Burgers: Pan Fried (Bob’s Burgers #4) – Jeff Drake, Brian Hall, Rachel Hastings, Mike Olsen, and Anneliese Waddington
Another great palate cleanser as I make my way through Brandon Turner’s The Book on Rental Property Investing.
This is the first collection that had a continuation from a previous collection. Thankfully it was one of the ones I enjoyed (Louise’s parody of X-Files), or I wouldn’t have really remembered it. Tina’s friend fiction this time explored Titanic and Top Gun meanwhile Gene’s story times explored classic fairy tales Jack and the Beanstalk and King Midas and the Golden Touch.