
August Recap 2016

2016 08-07 Working OutThe big news of the month is that I’ve achieved my 31 day goal of meeting my exercise, move and stand goals on my Apple watch! It’s not at all book related, but I’m excited because I’m slowly getting back into the habit of walking every day.

I’ve somehow managed to balance this with reading (six books this month), work offices moving to a new location, and two trips out to Tanglewood to see the Boston Pops and the Boston Symphony Orchestra perform. I don’t know if I’m going to keep it up because honestly at some point in the first few days of September I’m taking a rest day, or at least an easy day. I’m pretty sure I can hit all my goals without having to go on a two(+) mile walk but I’m not 100% sure. But what you’re all really here for is the books, so on to the books! Continue reading “August Recap 2016”


April 2014 Recap

2014 04-03 Visit to the BooksmithI couldn’t start two monthly recaps in a row with book typos (don’t worry there is one), but I do apologize in advance, this is another long post!

so instead I thought I would start with one of my #100happydays photos. I took this photo on day three when I went down to sell some of my read books during lunch. Shockingly I only came away with two books (one a present) and ordered a third! Again, you’ll hear more about those later.

Let’s see, what else has happened this month? I had an AWESOME nerdy weekend a few weekends ago and loved every minute of it, even though it was exhausting. I started dating again. I ran a 5k and crossed running a sub-36:00 5k off my 30 x 30 list. As I mentioned last month, I launched a new blog (launch post) with my best friend from growing up called Now Entering Adulthood (actual link) about our last few months of our twenties and the first few of our thirties. Oh AND I created a Tumblr [Deleted January 2025] to compile my writings on both blogs and my Instagram pictures together! And well generally I had a great month!

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A Life in Books (via Brookline Blogsmith)

I LOVE Brookline Booksmith. It is one of the two bookstores in my area that I would live in if I could (Havard Bookstore is the other). I’ve read the Brookline Blogsmith (See what they did there? Gotta love it.) blog for quite some time and it has always been enjoyable.

Today’s post, A Life in Books, however, was extraordinary. It is beautiful, meaningful, well thought and well written. It made me stop and take a few minutes out of my hectic Friday morning to wonder what will happen to my books when I’m gone and what the person who has to deal with them will think. I mean just read these few sentences,

I found a Dover Thrift Edition of Brothers Karamazov. It was highlighted until about a third of the way through and then it stopped. Had he read it before? Was it the last book he started? Did he give up, opting for some non-fiction instead? This guy read more than I did and it is basically my job. It was heartbreaking and fascinating to see so laid bare the life of a reader.

WOW right?

I urge you to check it out. If I could demand it or even command it I probably would. It’s short and succinct so no excuses!

A Life in Books via Brookline Blogsmith


December (and 2012) Recap

What a year. Good things happened. Bad things happened. And I read a lot of books. That pretty much sums it up for me. Not going to delve into personal life and 2013 resolutions because, well, I don’t want to.

I don’t say it enough, but thank you to everyone who reads my little spot on the internet. I truly appreciate the amazing people I’ve met over the past 2.5 years and am looking forward to meeting more and interacting with new people in 2013!

2012 = Too Many BooksI finished all three of my challenges with 30 books and read a grand total of 81 books in 2012. According to Goodreads I read 32,866 pages. I’m not sure how accurate that is, but who cares, I read a lot! My original goal was 60 books, five books a month, and that will stand for 2013. I’m sure I will surpass it again this year, but I will not increase that goal because reading should be about fun and not about numbers. There are definitely other cool facts I could share, but go and explore and find out!

And the photo above, is why I am doing my best to go on a book buying ban for the first six months of 2013.My bookshelf is so far beyond overflowing I HAVE to start clearing it off. This will be difficult as I have over $100 in gift cards to various bookstores, but I can do it! There are only two exceptions to this rule: I can purchase a book (with a gift card) for book group and if the fifth book of The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel is released in Paperback I can purchase it.  My to-be-read list (physical and Kindle) has surpassed 175 and I need to trim it down. If I read only 50 books a year I’m already looking at 4 years almost on my shelf alone! Not to mention the 275 other books on my dream list to read at some point.

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November 2012 Recap

I hope all you American’s had a Happy Thanksgiving and everyone else had a warm(ish) November. It’s starting to get really cold here and although I’m loving it, I was not ready for this weather. I can’t believe December 1st is tomorrow and December brings my birthday, Christmas and New Years are all flying up fast. Here’s my last monthly update of the year!

Once again this month I have another awesome Tweet to share. Katherine Winter, author of Annabel responded to my response to her novel on Twitter. Awesome, right? Once again just to reiterate, sometimes you just have to love social media.

Recent Acquisitions (Yes, still a library :-D)
I didn’t go on a book buying ban like I should have, but I of course have brilliant reasons/excuses. However, I am rapidly running out of excuses/reasons – my to-be-read bookshelf is officially overflowing, I only have one Groupon left and only a bit left on my gift card!

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