
September Recap 2020

Rows of apple trees with a super tall sunflower plant with multiple flowers on itIt’s been a super quiet month on the reading front. The class I’m taking has sucked up most of my reading time and what time I’m not reading I’m spending knitting.

It feels like ages ago that we were in New Hampshire for a week, but it was only a month ago as this posts but yeah 2020 is still flying. Other signs fall arrives: work is picking up, we went apple picking and leaf peeping, and all the knitting 😀 We’re heading out to western Massachusetts for the long weekend and that’ll be nice.

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Book 747: Camino Island – John Grisham

I read this after a coworker passed it on because he knew I loved books and this is a book about a book theft from a world class library and then set in a bookstore featuring mostly authors and booksellers. I mean come on that’s like catnip to a book blogger, right?

Unfortunately, this book was 100% forgettable. I’m not sure if it has to do with it not being a legal thriller or if it has to do with the weird split narrative. But whatever it was I just wasn’t feeling it.

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August Recap 2020

Time continues to fly by in the time of COVID. I, like most of the world, have been working from home for almost six months. There are days it feels routine and days it absolutely doesn’t. Thankfully, we got out of town to visit NH for the first week of September. We were originally supposed to be in Alaska for the roommates 40th birthday, but for obvious reasons that didn’t happen.

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Book 735: The Jane Austen Society – Natalie Jenner

Talk about a change of pace! I kept putting this off when it came up from my library. I was loving all the MM romance and young adult books I’ve been reading, but I finally just said okay. It was 100% worth it to slow down and take the village life pace to read this and not rush through it like some of the high-intensity romances I’ve read recently.

I’m pretty sure I stumbled across this on bookstagram and new I’d get to it eventually. I don’t discriminate between books inspired by Austen’s works, life or legacy—they’re all fair game to me and each new one I read adds a new dimension to my understanding/enjoyment of Austen and her continued impact on society.

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July Recap 2020

Lamp casting geometric patterns on a white tableAnd there goes July.

Not going on vacation and not physically going to work has made this summer move by even faster than usual. We’ve spent most of it hunkered down in the AC because it’s been miserably hot in Boston off and on. We have been able to squeeze in some roof deck time in the evenings when it cools off, but for the most part it’s AC all the way.

Books and Bookish Things
I got a lot of reading done this month, 16 books. That just behind the 18 I read in May, but well ahead of the 12 in April! This pandemic has really done a number on my reading (oh hey, MM Romances :-D).

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