
September Recap 2022

I got a little more reading done in September than I did in August, but only because I leaned into romances. This academic reading is no joke ya’ll—if I added that in you’d think all I did was read for the entire month! It also didn’t hurt that we were on vacation for the first week or so of September so I got plenty of reading and knitting done without adorable puppy interruptions.

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August Recap 2022

The thing about getting a puppy is that they take up all your time! When you add in that August is traditionally a busy time at work, we had a vacation starting at the beginning of September, and school started in early September, it’s no wonder I’m just now getting this posted. You’ll just have to appreciate the three adorable pictures of Barnaby the Bernedoodle to make up for it (and the almost total lack of reading this month).

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July Recap 2022

I. Am. Exhausted. This was meant to post on the first, but between my on-campus intensive at Harvard Graduate School of Education (I’m a fancy Lunchable) which delayed it to Wednesday, and then negotiations with Tim to get an unexpected puppy (OMG HE’S SOOOO CUTE). I’m obviously very late. There are more pics at the end (you’re welcome).

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A Dozen Years of Book Blogging

What a year it’s been! Since last July, I finished a graduate certificate, started an MA program, and got a promotion at work. We traveled more than we have in the past two years, got COVID (ugh) from traveling, and as I’m typing this I’m in the airport waiting to hop on a last-minute flight to Chicago for a work thing (I don’t usually travel for work).

I’ve also read 116 books! That sounds like a lot, but it includes so many romance novels, quite a few graphic novels and manga, and not enough nonfiction, which is par for the course these days. That being said starting school again I’m sure I’ll be reading quite a bit of nonfiction but not blogging about it since it’s more long passages and chapters than entire books.

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June Recap 2022

What a month! It started with us getting Covid from our trip to Texas (not bad cases, just knocked us out for a few days), was immediately followed by my graduate school program starting in the middle of makeup events at work from the last two years, with a birthday trip for Tim (thankfully drivable this year to Upstate NY), and the busiest time of the year at work in general for me (end of the fiscal year).

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