
Book 1,028: Up to Snow Good (Snow Way in Hell #2) – Charlie Novak

Book cover of "Up to Snow Good" with Amazon Affiliate linkAfter reading Snow Way in Hell so that I could finally read this one, it was worth it. I’m always going to be a sucker for a holiday romance and an illustrated cover. Throw in Europe and chocolate/food and I’m 100% going to read it. This book picks up not long after Snow Way in Hell and tells us Max’s story, the brother of Tarquin and best friend of George, Tarquin’s fiancé.

Max has got it in his head to do something fancy for Tarquin and George and is stomping on toes left and right, including Luca’s, the local owner and confectioner of the chocolate shop. Thankfully, he shows some self-awareness and goes back to apologize and that kicks off the adorable chaos that becomes their relationship. Luca’s a grumpy overworked big bear of a guy who’s just trying to get by and Max is a wealthy, over the top golden retriever, happy go lucky go with the flow guy; and they somehow work together.

My favorite part of the book were the meta nods to the Holiday Rom-Com tropes:

He leant down and kissed me softly. It was the sort of kiss I wasn’t used to because it was the sort of kiss you’d give someone you cherished. I felt like one of those heroines in those old Christmas movies—swept off their feet by the handsome hero in the middle of the street while being dusted with snow. All we needed now were matching Christmas jumpers or something. (103)

‘Some people might say it was God if they’re the religious sort, some people might say it was luck, some people might even say it’s a little bit of Christmas magic.’
‘Are you saying we’re in some sort of American Hallmark movie?’ I asked with a breathless chuckle because it was all I could say.
‘I mean, we do have the handsome, rich British man, so maybe.’
‘I think Brits are usually either the villain or some sort of lost prince or mysterious noble in those sorts of films,’ Max said. ‘And unfortunately, I’m none of those.’
‘You mean you don’t come with a title or a castle?’
‘Sadly not. The closest I can come is maybe building you a sand castle. Or a snow castle if you happen to have a bucket and spade to hand.’ (126)

Every time it happened, it just gave me a little chuckle. They’re so universal at this point, of course if you’re having a ridiculously lovey and or holiday-driven romance you’d have to nod toward them.

The sex scenes were well written and not too over the top with Novak walking the walk on verse characters. She also did a great job of keeping the angst low, so it was definitely a low-stakes, quick read that I thoroughly enjoyed. The only “drama” was when Max told Tarquin and George about Luca, and that was minimal drama because they just teased him and connected some dots to their story (spoiler, it wasn’t a woman Max brought back that forced Tarquin and George to share a room that one night :-D).

Recommendation: Worth the read. You don’t even have to read Snow Way in Hell, but with a punny title like that, why wouldn’t you?! Novak writes great protagonists and supporting characters. This one is relatively low angst and pretty tame when it comes to the sex scenes. There’s still the unbelievably fast timeline, but you learn to let go of those the more of these things you read.

Opening Line: “Okay, do you both have your passports?”

Closing Line: “It really would be a Christmas to remember.” (Whited out to avoid spoilers, highlight to read.)

Additional Quotes from Up to Snow Good
“I could spend plenty of time skiing and perhaps even reading. I wasn’t the greatest reader in the world, but this year, I had resolved to read more. And after several hits and misses, I’d discovered I rather enjoyed fantasy novels.” (6)

“I was in the presence of a very bouncy dog. Like one of those spaniels who didn’t know how to sit still. One of my aunts had had a spaniel when I was growing up, and it was like being around a very cute hurricane who caused chaos and destruction wherever he went, but just one look from his wide eyes made you forgive him.” (42)

“People showed you a lot more about themselves when they thought you weren’t looking.” (111)

“‘Do you want to fuck me again?’
‘Only if you’re not too sore,’ he said.
‘Or you can fuck me. Or we can just blow each other.’
‘Hmm, too many choices,’ I said. ‘All of them good.'” (169)

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