There’s not a lot to say about this one because I reviewed Boyfriend Material back in 2020 and adored it. Tim stumbled across it on our road trip to NC for Thanksgiving, thought I would enjoy it without realizing I’d read it already, and downloaded the audio version for us to listen to on our trip.
The narration was delightful and Joe Jameson (Audio File Magazine did a fantastic job with all the characters. Not going to lie EVERY time Oliver said Lucien I got a bit of a thrill it was just so perfectly done. I can’t wait to read Husband Material, I just need to find the actual time to do it.
Recommendation: I’m not usually a big fan of audiobooks, but on a 24-hour-ish car ride (spread out over four days) this one really did it for me. We enjoyed the narration and the banter and the voice actor was phenomenal. I may need to listen to all the books he narrates, I know he does Husband Material which I’ll have to borrow from Tim after I read it of course 😀
Opening Line: “I’ve never seen the point of fancy dress parties.”
Closing Line: “And I was pretty sure this was how love felt: fuzzy and scary and confusing and light enough to whisk you away like a Tesco’s bag on the wind.” (Whited out to avoid spoilers, highlight to read.)