
March Recap 2018

That photo to the right pretty much sums up most of March for me.

We had more snow and rain this month than I swear we’ve had in all of last year. The worst part about it was that they were back to back nor’easters with three in three weeks and flooding happened within a mile of our house. If you can’t tell that photo is the ocean high enough up that we can’t make our usual walk around a big loop at Castle Island. There were other parts of the walkway that were flooded but that end bit was the most astounding – usually there’s 5-8 feet from the water to the top of the stone barriers which you can sort of see to the left. This is Head Island on Google Maps – we’re supposed to be able to walk all the way around Pleasure Bay. 

Add in that we moved this month and one of the three nor’easters delayed our move by a day, as in we had to stay in the AirBNB an extra day and the moving company had to hold our stuff for another day. The movers even had to just put basically a plank from the sidewalk over the snow into the front door.

There were other issues unrelated to the weather but long story short, we’re in and are mostly settled. I got sick right after we moved in which wasn’t great, but I did get to take advantage of our awesome new refrigerator which gives out HOT WATER! (Far right picture.) We’ve grilled out multiple times and are so excited to have the grill. Now we just need the weather to get better so we can start enjoying our new outdoor decks! Now on to what you’re here for, the books!

Books and Bookish Things
This was a VERY slow reading month. I completed two books really fast at the beginning of the month before the move. Then I decided to read my nonfiction book of the month, which was also an ARC that was overdue like eight months, and I got stuck.

  1. The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue (Guide #1) – Mackenzie Lee
  2. The Library at the Edge of the World (Finfarran #1) – Felicity Hayes-McCoy
  3. How to Own Your Own Mind (Mental Dynamite #2) – Napoleon Hill

I picked up two books this month after seeing Love, Simon and reading this wonderful article, Before ‘Love’, Simon’: Coming Out And Coming-of-Age at the Movies by Glen Weldon at NPR (NPR.org link) (Freak Show and Geography Club) and three galleys/review copies starred below (I’ll never learn), but two are Jane Austen! Scheinman’s book below was a must have because he went to UNC Chapel Hill (like me) and founded the Jane Austen summer program.

From the social media front these two things made me laugh. The first one I included because it’s hilarious:


I included this one because March was International Women’s Month and they included Charlotte Brontë, but I was a bit miffed they didn’t include one for Emily Brontë or for Jane Austen, because obviously they’re better than CB who censored her sisters after they died!

Culture Corner
I’ll keep this short. We went and saw My Dad Wrote a Porno: Live! and dyed Easter eggs for Easter. This was all while moving and unpacking.

What’s Next?
And last but not least I’m looking into April. It’s a busy month leading into summer. We’ll be going to PAX East (video game/gamer showcase) the first weekend and seeing a bunch of movies. Thankfully, as I’ve mentioned multiple times we’re mostly unpacked already so I should have more time to relax. I’m in the middle of Final Girls by Riley Sager (another ARC), I just got notification that my copy of The Waste Lands (The Dark Tower #3) is available from the library and I still have 10 ARC/Galleys waiting to be reviewed with THREE still holding on from last year.

Are you ready for Spring? What’s the first thing you’ll do when the weather gets nice enough to do outdoor activities?

8 thoughts on “March Recap 2018”

  1. Geoff, I daren’t start thinking about what I’ll do in spring, because it feels like I might jinx it even further! Just being able to put my winter coat away would be nice!

  2. Glad your move is complete! Moving is a pain even when the weather cooperates, so I can’t even imagine how ridiculous it must have been.

    1. Oh yeah. It was crazy there’s was a parking ban and the city was shut down requiring us to shift parking permits and even the house closing.

  3. Gah, I’m so jealous you went to My Dad Wrote a Porno. I fell behind on it and only just caught up and discovered they were touring, but the tour is back in the UK now. I love that podcast so much.

    Also jealous of PAX East. I don’t think we’ll be attending any of them this year, but they are a blast.

    ALSO jealous of that built-in bookcase. Congrats on the move!

    1. If I’m honest the podcast is better than the live show. It was written solely as fan service and was 30-60 minutes too long.

    1. It is nice and we’re mostly settled in already which is crazy to me. Starting to feel like we love here so I guess the stress was worth it.

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