Hey Everyone!

I planned to upload more photos but when I saw how many photos I took (roughly 1,100) I realized that was never going to happen. I did finally upload them to Picasa. I’ve always uploaded them to Picasa ever since my first trip to Europe. So why change now? I have realized I need to get a new external hard drive to put all my photos on, but until then they’re “safe” (or as safe as they can be) in the cloud. So that this post isn’t empty of photos here’s our vacation in selfies, one a day every day! I’ve included where we were so you get an idea of what you’re looking at (or not in the bad ones :-D):
For the actual photos click the city name below:
Madrid and Barcelona

If you want a copy of one (ha!) I’m happy to send one just let me know which 😀 And let me know if the links don’t work, I’ve been told by one person that they couldn’t access them, but most everyone else seems not to have had any problems.
As I said before I have no idea how to pick what was the most exciting moment. There were so many of them. I loved the random discoveries as much as the planned activities. We were gone from the hotel most days from before 9AM until after 9PM and it was exhausting. In the end it took me WEEKS to decompress and finally take the time to look back on the trip and it was just wonderful.
I can’t wait to see where we go next! More book posts coming next week.
Thanks for reading!
Thank you for sharing your photos, looks like you had an amazing trip 🙂
It was! If someone offered me the chance to move there expenses paid and a job lined up it would be impossible to make the decision!
I can’t wait to sit down later and take the time to go through all of the pics. o/
It takes a while. I wasn’t lying when I said it took way too long to upload and add captions. But it’s worth it!
Great pics! Awesome idea taking a Spanish cooking class!
I got the idea from an aunt who took one in Italy a few years ago. It was definitely one of the highlights.