Welcome to MY world. This is the introductory episode of my new podcast, Come Read With Me. It’s a bit rambling and I can guarantee the three episodes I’ve already recorded (with other people) are much more entertaining!
As I say in the episode and as I said during my four-year blogoversery celebration, this episode is to primarily get the feed up and running on iTunes! I’ll let everyone know when that is live, but until then enjoy it. I hope you have as much fun listening as I’ve had recording the first few episodes. I of course have to give a special thanks to Caroline, Caitrin and Patrick for being the guinea pigs and Josh for the idea and encouragement. The theme music was provided by Hariel on YouTube who built an excellent rendition of Come Fly With Me in Garage Band! Let me know your thoughts and hopefully I’ll be able to eventually do remote discussions!
*Side note, the graphics are temporary and if you can do a better one that would be awesome! I struggled to get my idea across but in the end I liked what I chose even if it is super cheesy and simple.
Oogling Sean Connery is one of my favorite pasttimes. We go together. 😀
Love the podcast!
Thanks Heather! I can’t wait for people to hear one of the real ones. They really were so much more fun than talking to myself, which I thoroughly enjoy!
What a great idea this is, somehow I completely missed the fact you were embarking on the new idea.
Thanks! It was a lot of fun.